Download Yandex.Browser

As you can easily understand from the name, this is browser from Yandex. It is based on open development Chromium browser, which many browsers use, for example the same Google Chrome. But there are differences and quite successful ones. And the browser itself turned out to be quite successful.
As in Google Chrome browser, the same minimalism is here. Tab bar, navigation buttons, search bar, bookmark page button and menu button. We can say that everything here is like a Google development. The design itself is something between Firefox and Google Chrome. It turned out quite nice.

Umnaya stroka
Almost every browser already has one line for search queries and for entering website addresses. Chrome, for example, can suggest question options when you type a query. Yandex went further. Now you can immediately get some answers in the line. For example, if you want to know the population of the world or the length of the Volga River, you will immediately see the answer in the search bar. You start entering the site address and it automatically offers you options, clicking on which will immediately take you to the site you are looking for.
Express panel
The Yandex browser is not just a collection of sites. This is already similar to the tiles in Windows 8, where notifications about new events are displayed. Add the VKontakte website to the express panel and you will see the number of recent messages. You can also add widgets here that will notify you, for example, about the weather or traffic jams.
Do you know what is good about a browser from a search company? Yes, because all the developments flow into their programs. When you search for information in Yandex, it shows quick links for the site, i.e. sections of the site, which allows you to quickly navigate an unfamiliar resource. This function is now available in the Yandex browser. The company also did not leave the option of translating pages, as in Chrome. In addition to all this, Yandex borrowed the browser Turbo function from Opera.
Update Yandex browser more often
Perhaps some features have been overlooked and not surprisingly. After all, Yandex is a pretty good company that is constantly upgrading its products, improving something, adding something, so update your Yandex browser regularly. Even having been released not so long ago, the Yandex browser already shows a good picture. And this is a good sign.