How to install an old version of Yandex Browser

Как установить старую версию Яндекс.Браузера

Each manufacturer of a current browser regularly releases updates, which may not always satisfy users. In particular, Yandex.Browser regularly undergoes significant changes, and if you don’t like them, you have the opportunity to install an old version of this web browser on your computer.

How to return the old version of Yandex.Browser

Below we will look at several ways to return the old version of Yandex.Browser.

Please note that using an older version of the web browser significantly reduces the security of your computer. If possible, use the latest versions of this web browser, as this is the only way to ensure maximum security for your computer and confidential information.

Method 1: System Restore

If you previously used an old version of Yandex Browser on your computer, but after a while it was updated to a new one, you have the opportunity to return to the previous version in a fairly simple way, which involves using the system restore function.

This computer tool is aimed at troubleshooting serious problems. Its essence is that the operation of your computer will be completely returned to some time ago, namely, for a selected period of time, which corresponds to the date when you were still using the old version of Yandex.Browser.

  1. To do this, open a window "Panel management" and go to the section "Recovery".

    Как установить старую версию Яндекс.Браузера

  2. Open item "Run System Restore".

  3. After a moment, a window with recovery points available for use will appear on the screen. You will need to choose the one that fully corresponds to the period when the old version of Yandex Browser was running on the computer.

Please note that depending on the number of changes made to the system since the day the restore point was created, the procedure itself may take a very long time (sometimes half a day).

After you have downloaded the old version of Yandx Browser, immediately turn off network access and deactivate the installation of updates - otherwise the browser will detect the latest updates and install them immediately.

  1. To do this, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Yandex\YandexBrowser. In this folder you will find folders that need to be deleted.

  2. Now follow the following path:

    C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\Application, where USER_NAME is the name of your Windows account. Please note that the folder we need is hidden by default, so you can quickly get to it only by immediately pasting the link into the address bar of Explorer.

  3. In this folder you will find one or more files whose names consist of numbers. Go to each folder and delete two files: service_update.exe и yupdate-exec.exe.

  4. Close the Explorer window. From now on, updates in Yandex.Browser will be disabled.

Method 2: Download an old version of the web browser

If there are no rollback points available, you can try downloading an older version of the browser to your computer. This method is not recommended for the reason that old distributions are not officially distributed, which means you really have a chance to download a serious virus onto your computer, which can only be gotten rid of by reinstalling Windows.

We do not provide download links for the old version of the browser, however, they are not that difficult to find. But there is one important nuance here: after downloading and installing the old version of Yandex Browser on your computer, immediately restrict your computer’s access to the network, and then be sure to disable the installation of updates using the method described in the article above. Only after this can you begin to fully use Yandex Browser. These are all the methods that allow you to return the old version of Yandex.Brower. If you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments.
October 29, 2017 10
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  1. RAISA
    12 November 2017 21: 36
  2. Kait.15
    15 November 2017 10: 31
    Raisa, your question is unclear. Do you want to install Yandex Browser on your computer?
  3. mix64
    3 December 2017 01: 39
    Even if you delete what you write, you still receive a notification that you need to update your browser.
    Damn, no one can make RePack so that it is free from updates and fucking Zen, if someone did this, I’m sure that all users would thank him.
  4. Diz1k
    17 November 2023 21: 28
    The most convenient browser in my opinion, I don’t know why, I just can’t use others, in a couple of years I’ve already become like my own and I don’t even want to try others
  5. R
    19 November 2023 18: 51
    I agree with the author of the last comment, Yandex browser is very simple and easy to use, and all the updates are quite satisfactory to me. But now I’ll know what to do if the update sucks.
  6. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 10: 17
    everything worked out! thanks to the author for such a clear and detailed article
  7. GodyVody
    4 December 2023 19: 37
    Thank you, you helped a lot, I recommend it to everyone
  8. Tulip
    6 December 2023 11: 30
    Thank God the new version works great for me, I hope it won’t come in handy. Thank you!
  9. Stason
    6 December 2023 22: 50
    and I said that I would find how to download the old version, thanks