How to make an external HDD from a hard drive

Как сделать внешний HDD из жёсткого диска

You can store information not only on the built-in hard drive of a computer or laptop. An external drive provides much greater possibilities. Such memory is not tied to a specific device and will be easy to take with you. Flash drives have similar capabilities, but the capacity of the hard drive is several times larger, which makes the choice of such storage completely justified. Creating an external drive is quite simple, but you should know the features of the HDD device.

Selecting a hard drive for offline storage

Modernization or breakdown of computer equipment often leads to the appearance of extra HDD. Replacing a hard drive is not a problem even for the average user, due to the simplicity of such an operation. As a result, you are left with an old hard drive that can easily be given a new life. Depending on the hardware configuration, HDD can be of different formats, and it is important to know their differences when used as external storage.

  • HDD 3.5 inches is a standard computer hard drive. This model has more impressive dimensions and requires connecting a separate 12v power line, which introduces some difficulties in using the hard drive;
  • HDD 2.5 inches is a format designed for laptops and other portable devices. Power can be supplied to the hard drive via a USB connector, which will be sufficient for its operation.

Как сделать внешний HDD из жёсткого диска

In addition to determining the media format, you should pay attention to its connectors. There is an outdated IDE connection type and a more modern SATA connection type. When using a hard drive with an old interface, problems may arise due to the need to install a special converter. SATA technology is supported by all modern devices, and there are no problems with this HDD.

After determining the type of hard drive, you can begin to select equipment to convert the HDD into a full-fledged external storage device. This problem can be solved in several ways, the choice of which depends on the user.

Method 1: External pocket

It will be most convenient to purchase a special enclosure for the hard drive, into which it is connected via a SATA connector. Using such a case will allow you to get a mobile device for storing data, which will differ little from non-separable external drives. Connecting the HDD is done through a standard connector and consists of the following steps:

  1. Using a screwdriver, the external case body is disassembled and the controller connection board is removed.

  2. The hard drive is connected to the controller connectors until the contact group is completely aligned.
  3. The hard drive is installed in the outer pocket according to the instructions and secured with screws.

  4. When using a 3.5-inch HDD, a separate power supply is connected, after which the HDD is ready for use.

The external case may have additional eSATA, USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 outputs. Such cases are available for 3.5 and 2.5 inch drives, which will allow you to choose the most suitable model.

Method 2: Docking station

The use of a stationary device for connecting an HDD is suitable for users who prefer a simple method of installing a hard drive. The design of such equipment does not require disassembly, but has more impressive dimensions. As a rule, the HDD is connected to the docking station through a special compartment, at the bottom of which there is a SATA connector. The hard drive is immersed in this compartment and, with a little effort, is fixed in the contact group.

Although using such an external drive will not be very convenient in terms of mobility, there are also advantages to using a docking station:

  • Easy hard drive installation and quick replacement;
  • Sharing of several HDDs of different sizes;
  • Availability of USB 2.0, USB 3.0, eSATA, SD and other formats;
  • Use of backup and other features.

Connecting a hard drive to a docking station is no more difficult than installing a flash drive, which makes this method the simplest. This method allows you to make an external drive from a hard drive in a few seconds, but purchasing a docking station is the most expensive financially.

Method 3: Connection via cable

If there are no requirements for the aesthetics of the appearance of the disk, you can use a connecting cable. This method will not be very convenient in terms of mobility, but it makes it possible to get a full-fledged hard drive. To implement such tasks, you will need a cable with USB and SATA connectors. There are no problems when connecting the HDD this way. This method is great for testing hard drives or as a temporary solution before purchasing an external enclosure.

You should know that this method is suitable for 2.5-inch HDDs, and large hard drives should be connected via a separate power line.
There are many ways to use an extra hard drive as an external drive. The proposed solutions vary in functionality, price and design, and each user can choose the most suitable type of HDD connection. Even the most complex method will not take more than 10 minutes and guarantees the result in the form of a new data warehouse.
January 19, 2018 5
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  1. ahhlov
    4 December 2023 21: 00
    I made myself an external HDD! thank you!
  2. Stason
    5 December 2023 21: 12
    I made an external drive, thanks to the article for the useful information
  3. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 13: 57
    The Internet just left me for this article, thanks, I changed it to HDD