Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market service. Solving the problem

To solve the problem, you need to roll back the version of the installed Play Store and delete the data. To do this, do the following:
Go to Settings – Applications – Manage applications.
Find a program Google Play Market and click on it.
In the window that opens, select Udalit update.

In addition to all this, you can delete the existing cache and erase accumulated data.
Additional Actions
It may look strange, but changing the date and time on your device to the correct ones can also help. The fact is that sometimes Google services refuse to work with devices that have the above parameters set incorrectly.

Flashing the phone
If neither changing the time nor clearing the cache and data helped, then the 100% correct solution that will help correct the error that has appeared is to flash the device. How to do this is described in detail in special article on our website. We hope that the described methods helped you fix the problem with downloading and updating applications from the Google Play Market.
See also:
- Error 504 when downloading or updating applications in the Play Market: solving the problem
- Error 491 in the Play Market app store - how to fix it?
- Fixing error 492 in the Play Market app store
- Getting rid of error 905 in the Play Market app store
- Mobo Market is a good alternative to the Play Market store