
Servers are the unsung heroes of the digital age, working tirelessly behind the scenes to deliver data, services and resources to our devices. These powerful computers are the backbone of the Internet and perform a wide range of functions, from hosting websites to storing important data. In this article, we explore the world of servers, their types, and the key role they play in our interconnected world.

Что такое прокси?

What is a proxy?

A proxy server (literally translated as "proxy") is a communication interface on a network that acts as an intermediary between two computer systems.
January 20, 2022 8
Выделенный сервер (dedicated server). Где арендовать?

Dedicated server. Where to rent?

A dedicated server is the placement of accounts (sites) of only a single client on one server. Based on this, it becomes obvious that all server resources are completely used by you and no one else.
January 11, 2022 5
Прокси - зачем он нужен, и где его взять?

Proxy - why is it needed, and where to get it?

In many situations, the phrase proxy means “understudy” for something else. For example, in voting, a proxy is a person authorized by you to vote on your behalf. But in computing, a proxy server is a different type of stand-in. People who want to access the site in
April 12, 2022 5
Покупка б/у сервера через интернет

Buying a used server online

Bloody nose - the company needs a server, but, as often happens, there are not too many available funds and, alas, not enough to buy new equipment from recognized brands. What to do?
17th September, 2021 5