DLL files
.DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files are important components of the Windows operating system and many software applications. They contain code and data that can be used by multiple programs at the same time. However, downloading .dll files from the Internet can be risky, and it is important to understand the consequences and potential risks.

Download msvcr120.dll 12.0.40664.0
The error “The program can't start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer” is quite common, but it takes less than a minute to resolve. In this article you can download this file, as well as copy it to the desired directory yourself.

Download rld.dll 2.0
Many gamers find the rld.dll file in their game folders (and sometimes in their antivirus quarantines). Wondering what kind of file this is and what it is responsible for, they go to search engines, but the answer, as it turns out, is not on the surface.

Error. steam_api.dll file is missing
This problem occurs quite often and in 90% of cases occurs due to the absence of such a file. And sometimes after installing pirated games: downloaded from a torrent, bought for 100 rubles in some stall.

Download the executable file download ctfmon.exe
Sometimes unexpected errors occur on our computers. Errors can be of a very different nature.

Download file 3dmgame.dll for the game Mad Max
Every user regularly installs various applications on their computer. In most cases, installed applications install without problems and start working, but there are other situations.

Otsutstvuet msvcp100.dll
Many of you have probably often encountered such a problem when, when you try to open a game or program, the following message pops up: “This program cannot be launched because there is no mscp100.dll file on this computer.” Before you beat your head, you need to understand what mscp100.dll is and

Download d3dx9_26.dll
Very often, any user may encounter a dll type error. Errors of this type are far from uncommon, but many users can be stumped by such errors.

Error, msvcp110.dll is missing
msvcp110 dll - VisualC++ system language library. This library is used to create programs and games. Therefore, if this error appears, then the reason is the absence of this library on your computer.

Fixing the “xlive.dll is missing” error
Often, when installing modern games, a missing system library error appears on the screen. Don't be afraid of this error, because its solution consists of just a few simple steps.

Download msvcr100.dll
Surely many gamers have encountered a situation where the system cannot launch the game and a message appears on the monitor screen stating that the msvcr100 dll file is missing to launch. But all you have to do is drop this missing file into the system folder, and the game will start and will no longer work

Missing file d3dx9_43.dll?
To solve this problem, you just need to download the missing file and put it in the desired folder. But more details about everything in this article.

Download d3d11.dll
When installing various programs, and most often when installing games, many of us encounter dll type errors. And there is hardly a user who has never encountered this error.

Download openal32.dll
A system error indicating that the openal32.dll file is missing sometimes appears when launching games. The file itself is responsible for the operation of the Open Audio Library, and is necessary for the functioning of third-party applications.

Download the file ubiorbitapi_r2_loader.dll
Surely many users are aware of the fact that most programs will work on your computer only if the program contains all the necessary components. The absence of even the most insignificant component of the program on the computer will lead to the fact that the program will simply

download msvcr100d.dll
Msvcr100d.dll is one of the types of DLL files that was developed by companies such as HP and Biomatters, Ltd. For Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Geneious programs, respectively. Some users have a problem with this DLL file. And to solve it, an article was written for you.