How to trim a video on a computer?

Как обрезать видео на компьютере?

If you need trim some video, then we can immediately say that 2 methods can be used for these purposes. The first method is to trim the video on a computer. And the second way is online video trimming. Both the first and second methods are extremely simple, but today we will consider the first method. A method for trimming videos online is already on our website and you can familiarize yourself with it at any time. So, if you decide to trim a video on a computer, then it’s easy to guess that you will need a special program for this purpose. There are quite a lot of programs of this type today. But today we will look at trimming videos using a shareware video converter called VideoMaster.

The advantage of this program is that it is extremely clear. It was said above that this program is shareware, but it can be used without restrictions for 10 days.

After you install this program, you will need to open it and click on the "Add". After this you need to press the button "Obrezat". Next, the following window will open.
Как обрезать видео на компьютере?

Next, pay attention to the sliders in the video. It is with their help that you can select the desired area for cropping the video. They look like this.

After you decide on the cutting area, you will need to click on the "Crop now". As soon as you click this button, you will be asked to save the video in its original format or in AVI format. You only need to select the appropriate saving option. There are several ways to trim a video. One of them is presented in this article. To do it, you need will only download the VideoMaster program.

Download VideoMaster for free

Download the program from the official website
January 16, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 17: 08
    Well, although Video Master is not free, it cuts videos well and quickly. 
  2. Hervi
    9 January 2024 20: 23
    It’s convenient to trim through the program, much easier than through a PC