Programming software

Программы для программирования

What is programming based on? Surely many users, even those not involved in this field, know that programming itself is mutually and closely related with programming languages. It is on these languages ​​that the writing of all kinds of programs is based. Today there are many different programming languages. And for each language there are at least several programs in which future programs are created.

If you are thinking about starting to learn programming, then you will probably start looking for the answer to the following question: what language is best to start learning and how best to do it? The first question is very difficult to answer, since it all depends on you and the field of activity in which you plan to apply your acquired knowledge. And practical advice on choosing both the language itself and the training program will be given to you by the programming school Elbrus Coding Bootcamp.

Here, below, we will try to make a small selection of the most popular programming languages ​​and programs for working with them.

So, probably one of the most popular programming languages ​​is the C language. This language is popular due to its portable qualities. Many programmers describe it as small, fast and at the same time quite powerful. But this language also had some disadvantages, which over time became more and more noticeable in practice.

That is why the C language was replaced by the C++ programming language. Many modern applications and programs have been created in this language. For example: browsers such as Google Chrome и Mozilla Firefox written specifically in C++.

He studies C and C++ languages ​​at universities in computer and information science majors. If you decide to get serious about programming, then these two languages ​​are ideal for this purpose. And to effectively learn, program and develop something in these languages, you can use the Visual Studio Express program, which can be downloaded from the website

Perfect for beginner programmers Python language. It is considered one of the easiest programming languages. Some modern and very popular sites work in this language. The popularity of the Python language has come relatively recently. You can download the integrated development environment for this programming language from our website.

If you want to try yourself in the field of website development, then you cannot do without the PHP programming language. This language is quite easy to learn. In order to work with this language, you can use the specialized NetBeans environment, which can be downloaded from the website

A very popular and popular programming language today is the Java language. It is believed that a program written in this language can be run absolutely anywhere. The Java language is used to develop enterprise applications and video games. You can develop applications in this language using the free Java SE Development Kit. You can download it on the website

You can continue to list programming languages ​​and name programs for programming in them. But there are a lot of programming languages, and even more programming programs. The languages ​​described in this article are some of the most popular. Also, don't forget that there are other excellent programming languages. For example Ruby or Pascal. Accordingly, there are special programs for them.

Today there are quite a lot of programs for mastering various languages. If you have just started programming, then the languages ​​and programs for programming in them presented here will be useful to you.

January 23, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 19: 38
    Not a bad selection of sites and list of programs. I think this will be useful for programmers.