How to block a contact on Whatsapp?

Как заблокировать контакт в Whatsapp?

It can be immediately noted that a messenger is a program for exchanging instant messages in real time. There are quite a lot of such programs today. But we will focus on one of them. This messenger called WhatsApp. This program has already been reviewed on our website, so we will look at another issue related to it. Many users who use WhatsApp program, over time, the following question may arise: how to block a contact in this program? It’s worth noting right away that after blocking a certain contact on WhatsApp, you will no longer receive any calls or SMS from him. And it’s also worth remembering that when you block a contact in the WhatsApp messenger, it will not disappear from your contact list. To make it disappear from the list, you need to delete it from your phone's address book.

So, let's start with Android OS. First of all, you will need to launch WhatsApp on your phone. After that, go to the screen "Chat rooms". Now press the item "Menu", then point "Setting", then item "Account", after this point "Privacy"and the last point"Blocked".

After going through all the sections listed above, you will be taken to a menu in which you will need to click on the item "Add a blocked contact". As you can see, everything is quite simple. By the way, if you received a message on WhatsApp from an unknown number and you want to block it, then it’s even easier to do this. You can report spam from this number and block it. You can also simply block the contact . To do this, click on the item "Menu", then "Others" and complete the actions by clicking on the item "Zablokirovat"The WhatsApp messenger works today on many mobile operating systems. But there is no need to talk about blocking a contact in each of them. The principle of blocking a contact in the WhatsApp messenger is the same everywhere. The only difference will be in the interface.
January 30, 2015 5
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  1. NIKITA2613
    21 November 2023 14: 16
    Thank you very much, it’s just a wonderful article, where I learned how to block subscribers that I’m not happy with, I did everything and understood it well, thanks to this article!
  2. qwe45
    2 December 2023 13: 17
    useful article, I didn’t understand how to block, everything became clear
  3. DeSvErTi
    4 December 2023 20: 35
    Thank you, I just needed to block one spammer 
  4. Shaty
    6 December 2023 10: 51
    Thanks for explaining, I'll go block some people.