English-Russian translator with transcription

As you already understand, today we will talk about online translators. Our website has already reviewed a large number of different online services, thanks to which you can quickly and efficiently translate texts into various world languages. But today we will talk about similar services that can not only translate a given text, but also help you find out the transcription of words included in a user-specified text. Let's start with the site, which is located at http://myefe.ru. Here you will not be able to translate texts in large volumes, but you can translate up to 10 words. At the same time, you will learn the transcription of all the words you entered. But there is one thing. The translator works only in the following direction: from English to any other language. That is, if you need to translate from English into Russian, you need to select the translation direction "English-Russian".
To use this service you need to go to the site indicated above. Then just select "English transcription, pronunciation and translation of words".
Another service that will give you not only a translation of the text, but also its transcription, is located at http://en-umbrella.ru/onlajn-perevodchik-slovar-s-transkriptsiej-anglo-russkij-i-drugie-yazy-ki/(By following this link, you will be taken directly to the section you need). Everything is simple here too. You need to enter or copy the desired word into the translator line. Then, as a result, you will receive the translation of the word, its transcription and other useful information. The principle of many translators with the transcription function is very similar. Therefore, this article presents only two services that provide such a function. But do not forget that it will not be possible to translate large volumes of text through such services and obtain a transcription of each word.