Which operator has code 965?

Какой оператор имеет код 965?

It is the services of the leaders in cellular communications that the majority of our fellow citizens use today. Agree that using, for example, services of the mobile operator MTS, you have absolutely no need to know the codes of other operators. And most likely you only know the MTS operator code for your region. In this regard, users have a lot of questions when they receive a call from an unknown number. Most often in such situations, the user tries to find out which operator owns the code of the number from which he was called. By the way, there are also situations when you need to call a specific number, but you don’t know which operator and which region this number belongs to. And this, in turn, can cost a pretty penny.

Today we will deal with the cell number code 965. This code is used only in Russia. And this code belongs mobile operator Beeline. To put it more correctly, code 965 belongs to the company "Vympel-Communications" (Beeline). It is worth noting that telephone numbers with a code 965 are used in 40 regions of Russia. So, when dialing a number with this code, be careful, since no one has canceled roaming yet.
January 14, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 11: 47
    Interesting. And my code is 960 and I have a Beeline. There is a small variation between different operators.