Which operator has the code 8 905?

Какой оператор имеет код 8 905?

Today we will again talk about whether the phone number code belongs to one or another operator. Despite the fact that we have only 3 popular telecom operators, it is difficult to remember the number codes of all operators. We will look at the following question: which operator is code 8? Code 905 8 belongs to the company "Vympel-Communications". And "Vympel-Communications" is Beeline company. Moreover, the Beeline telecom operator uses this code in many regions of our country. Moscow, Yaroslavl region, Stavropol region, Tula region, Krasnodar region - this is only a small part of the regions in which Beeline uses code 8 905. Now you know that code 8 905 belongs to Telecom operator Beeline.
August 11, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 13: 15
    Beeline's range of codes is not bad. For example, my code is 960.