How to take a screenshot on a Samsung phone?

But today's phones also have the ability taking a screenshot. And this can be done without any additional programs. It is enough to know special key combinations. Today we will talk about how to take a screenshot on Samsung smartphones. There are several ways to create screenshots for phones from this company. The most popular method is as follows: you need to simultaneously press and hold the "keys" for several seconds.Home" And "Food".
The following method of taking a screenshot on Samsung phones is no less popular. In this case, you must simultaneously press and hold the "Food" And "Gromkost vniz"Again, you need to hold this combination for several seconds.
There is another way to take a screenshot on Samsung phones, but this method is practically not used today. You need to hold down the keys at the same timeHome" And "Back". This method may be relevant for Samsung based on Android 2.3 and lower. Now you know how take an instant screenshot on a Samsung phone. The methods used for this are presented in this article.