Error. steam_api.dll file is missing

Sounds familiar?
It happens that when starting a new Video games or program this nasty error occurs: «The program cannot be launched because steam_api.dll is missing». It's actually a pretty harmless message. — All you need to do is download the required file and upload it to its destination.
Very often a file on your computer becomes inaccessible because... these libraries are often infected viruses. Therefore, you first need to check your computer with the Cureit healing utility and only then proceed to the next steps.
Let's start with the simplest and at the same time popular method. You need to find steam_api.dll in the dlls. You can download it at the end of this article. After downloading, place the resulting file in two places:
on my way "C:\\Windows\system32" and in the folder with your game. This solution rarely helps, but there is still a small chance. After these transfers, be sure to restart your computer. Of course, to avoid such mistakes, you need to buy games rather than download them.
Read the comments for the game in the place where you downloaded it. If this error message only appears to you or a small number of people, then the problem is not in the file itself, but in your computer, namely in the antivirus. In this case, you do not need to reinstall the program or download it again: just go to the settings of your antivirus, namely the quarantine zone, restore the steamapi.dll file from there and exclude it from scanning.
If you have antivirus If there is no such function, it would be better to buy or download a new one that is less demanding on game files. From now on, when starting the game, turn off your antivirus at the time of launch, that is, 5 minutes is enough. After this, steamapi.dll will become inaccessible to your computer, so the antivirus will not be able to remove it. If this solution did not help you, then you have a more rare error.
Download steam_api.dll for free