Solving the problem related to kdbsync.exe stopping working

Решаем проблему, связанную с прекращением работы kdbsync.exe

If you see an error of this nature “kdbsync.exe has stopped working” on your monitor screen, then this is not a reason to panic. Most often, this error is resolved by performing simple steps. And that’s exactly what we’ll tell you about. An error of this nature occurs in most cases immediately after starting the operating system. And most often this happens after updating system drivers.

First of all, you should reinstall your computer's video card drivers. To do this, visit the official website of the video card manufacturer and download the latest version of drivers. After installing them, restart your computer. If this procedure does not help, then you can go another way.

Open the menu "Auto Backup". The easiest way to do this is to launch the task manager. In this menu, find kdbsync.exe and disable its automatic loading.
Fixing the kdbsync.exe process termination error is very simple. And the tips given in this article will help you with this.
January 19, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 52
    I still haven’t fully figured out how to fix the termination of work, but thanks for the article