Minimizing windows in Windows using a keyboard shortcut

The popularity of this system is due to the fact that it is extremely easy to use. But few people know all the capabilities of this operating system. And there really are a lot of them. Today we will tell you about one of them, namely, we will answer the following question: how to minimize a window using the keyboard. Let’s just add once again that the methods described are only relevant if you are using the Windows operating system. There are several combinations for minimizing windows. Let's briefly consider all of them.
Let's start with the key combination Alt+Space. By holding these keys, you will open a window in the upper left corner of your screen. In it you can select the following actions: close or minimize the window, maximize, close, and also increase the size of the window.

Need to minimize all windows and get to the desktop? There is also a special key combination for this, namely Win + M. If you then need to expand all the windows at once, then hold down the combination Win+M+Shift.
Well, it’s very convenient to switch between open program windows. For this you can use a combination Alt + Tab. And it looks like this.
Now you know all the key combinations that will help you minimize, maximize, and switch between windows in Windows.