Changing the language in Mozilla Firefox

Меняем язык в Mozilla Firefox

When downloading or installing any program, there is always a chance of making a mistake and installing the application in a language that is not the one you would like. Today you will learn what you need to do to change the interface language in the Mozilla Firefox browser to another. foreword

You can find a large amount of material on this topic on the Internet. But the fact is that there, most likely, you will find a description of the process of changing the language you prefer to display pages, but this will in no way affect the change of language of the web browser interface itself.

Меняем язык в Mozilla Firefox

Let's look at what actions need to be taken to change the language of the Mozilla Firefox browser itself.

Installing language packs

First you need to understand that depending on what language a given web browser is downloaded in, only that interface language will be available at first. If you have a Russian language, but, for example, you want to add English localization, do the following:
  1. Follow this link
  2. In the list, find the language that you additionally want to install and click on the button Set localization opposite this language.

  3. Click on the button Add to Firefox and wait for the browser to download the package with the selected localization.

Choose your language

Installing the language pack is just the first step. The installed language still needs to be activated. To do this do:
  1. In the address bar of the Mozilla Firefox browser, enter the following command: about:config, then click Enter on keyboard.

  2. Press I promise I'll be careful!
  3. In the Search enter the following: intl.locale.matchOS.

  4. If the value of this parameter is: true, change it to falseby double-clicking with the left mouse button on it.

  5. Next, in the field Search enter the following search parameter: general.useragent.locale.

  6. Once you find this setting, change the language code in the field Value. To do this, double click on the value general.useragent.locale.

Most language codes you can view at this link. After changing the language course, the next time you log into the browser, the interface language will be changed to the one that you set.
June 03, 2016 3
Enter the code below:*
Click on the image to update the code if it is illegible
  1. Cherepah
    22 September 2017 02: 43
    Thank you, it worked.
    You can add: if you are not using the latest version of Firefox and do not want to update, then by going to “Install localization”, you will see that the “Add to Firefox” button is inactive and “This add-on is incompatible with your version of Firefox.” Just click "View other versions" and select the appropriate version there, for example, "Version 51.0 Released January 24, 2017 401.1 KiB Works with Firefox 51.0 - 51.*" (the green button will tell you).
  2. Tulip
    6 December 2023 17: 42
    I also had this before. I had to completely uninstall and reinstall. But this is because this article did not exist then.
  3. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 44
    I changed the language thank you very much my favorite browser