Setting up an FTP client using FileZilla

Настройка FTP-клиента с помощью FileZilla
FileZilla is an open source manager designed to work with files on various FTP servers. You will learn more about how to configure FileZilla Server for further work with it in this article. Downloading the client
You can download FileZilla at official website of the developers On the client download page you can select the version you need.

FileZilla Client officially supports Russian language.

Setting up a new connection
  1. Open the FileZilla client.
  2. On the top panel, click the button File and go to Site Manager.

    Настройка FTP-клиента с помощью FileZilla

  3. In the new dialog box, click on the button New site.

  4. Next, you need to fill in the following fields:
    • Host – enter the address of your FTP server.
    • Server type – put "FTP - File Transfer Protocol".
    • Login type – select "normal".
    • User – enter your username. When using the main FTP account, the username will be the same as your login, which is indicated in the control panel.
    • Password – enter the password you specified.

    An example of how to fill out these fields is given below.

  5. Next, go to the tab Transfer settings and in the field Transmission mode place a check mark next to Passive.

  6. All you have to do is press the button Soedinitsyato connect to FileZilla Server.
As you can see, all the steps described above are very simple to perform. And if something didn’t work out for you, it means you missed something somewhere or entered the wrong thing.
August 22, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 26
    Download this application of the zilla file server using screenshots you can easily do everything