Odnoklassniki: restoring a page after blocking

Одноклассники: восстановление страницы после блокировки
The Odnoklassniki social network has a huge audience that is only growing. But it is worth recognizing that the majority of this audience are people who do not fully understand the “insides” of a computer, do not quite understand how the Internet works, because they were born several decades earlier than today’s youth. It is this large part that often experiences problems and panic when they see an inscription about blocking a personal page, which is not something to be afraid of.

Now we will try to explain in great detail why your Odnoklassniki page might have been blocked and how to get out of this situation. A little about blocking pages
If you somehow saw that your Odnoklassniki account was blocked, this does not mean at all that it is so. It's a paradox, but it's true.

The thing is that blocking of social networks can be installed deliberately on the computers of various government agencies, schools, universities in order to avoid attempts to log into Odnoklassniki or, say, Vkontakte. This can be done, for example, so that students do not do nonsense during school hours or so that you work during your office hours. It's simple. Therefore, if you were unable to log into Odnoklassniki at work or somewhere else on your computer, then don’t panic - try doing it at home.

So, you came home and it turns out that even here you cannot log into Odnoklassniki. Now there are only three options left:
  • Or you violated the rules of the social network established by its administrators.
  • Or your account has been hacked by attackers.
  • Or there is a virus on your computer that “muddies the waters.”

If you end up with the first option, then most likely you are not a good person and we won’t be able to help you here. In other cases, read on.

What to do if the page has been hacked?
Usually, a page is hacked in a trivial way: the password for it is simply changed. Not everything here is as complicated and deplorable as it might seem.
  1. Go to the main page
  2. On the authorization form, find the button Forgot your password? and click on it.

    Одноклассники: восстановление страницы после блокировки

  3. Next, you will be redirected to the page for recovering lost data, where, having successfully entered the necessary data indicating your identity, you can recover your account and change your password.

We will not dwell too much on this point, since for many people a much more difficult problem is the presence of a computer virus in the system.

What to do if there is a virus on your computer?
  1. First of all, check your PC completely for viruses with an antivirus program. We recommend the program Avast
  2. Next, follow the path: My Computer - drive C - Windows - System32 - drivers - etc.
  3. Click on the button Uporyadochit and then Parametric papok i poiska.

  4. Go to tab View.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and check the box next to Show hidden files, folders and disks... Click on apply и Ok.

    This way you will make your computer's system files visible.

  6. Return to folder etc and find the file there hosts. Open it. This can be done using any text editor.

  7. Delete everything below this red line.

  8. Save the changes and enjoy Odnoklassniki.
Of course, it happens that a virus has changed the hosts file. You will understand this if this file is simply empty. In this case, download a working verified hosts file follow this link and copy it to the location where it should be. Good luck.
December 27, 2016 2
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  1. Tulip
    6 December 2023 16: 11
    This is how I restored my mother’s page in Odnoklassniki. Thank you!
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 20: 58
    Interesting article, very informative, thank you very much for it