Yandex Browser starts spontaneously: causes of the problem and solutions

Yandex.Browser is now one of the most popular web browsers, which has won great love among users for its high-quality design, stability and speed, as well as a large number of useful functions that make working with it simple and convenient. Unfortunately, working with Yandex Browser does not always go smoothly, and sometimes users may encounter problems with spontaneous startup.
Why does Yandex Browser start spontaneously?
The problem with the browser starting on its own can arise for various reasons. This article will try to cover as many of them as possible so that you can solve the problem in a short time. Start with the very first method given in the article and move further down the list - in the end, you will be able to identify the reason that influenced the appearance of a rather unpleasant problem.
Reason 1: virus software
One of the most likely causes of this problem is that viruses adjust the operation of programs to suit their needs, which is why they begin to function incorrectly.
We recommend scanning your computer for viruses from Windows safe mode - in it, many system processes, including viruses, are in a dormant state, which means that your chances of detecting a malignant virus, which may not be present in normal mode, will increase. found.
To scan the system, you can use either the function built into your antivirus installed on your computer or a separate healing utility, for example, Dr.Web CureIt.
- Reboot your computer or, if it was previously turned off, restart it.
- As soon as the computer starts up, but before the operating system starts, you will need to quickly and repeatedly press the key F8 until the system boot type selection menu appears on the screen. Use the keyboard keys to select "Safe mode".
- Now that you have successfully logged in, you will need to run a virus scan. Please note that it is necessary to run the most thorough scan, which will check absolutely all corners of the system.
- If the scan detected virus activity on your computer, you will need to eliminate it, and then restart your computer as normal.
Reason 2: Changes made to Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler is a special Windows OS utility that allows you to create special tasks in relation to software on your computer. For example, a task may be created on your computer aimed at automatically launching the browser at a certain period of time or immediately after starting the operating system. Most often, such tasks are created by viruses, but it happens that similar changes can be made by other programs installed on the computer.
- First of all, you will need to open Planner. The easiest way to do this is by opening the Windows search bar and entering the query "Task Scheduler".
- In the left area of the window that opens, go to the section "Task Scheduler Library".
- The screen will display a list of tasks available in the system. You will need to carefully study this list, being sure to pay attention to tasks related to the operation of Yandex.Browser. If a similar task is detected, you will need to select it with one click of the left mouse button, and then select the button in the right area "Delete".
- Finally, confirm deleting the task.
Reason 3: Registry changes
Again, viruses can affect the spontaneous launch of Yandex.Browser by creating new entries in the registry. And even if you remove the viruses, the problem most likely will not be resolved until the registry is manually cleaned.
- First of all, pay attention to which site automatically opens when you launch Yandex Browser. Next, launch the registry. To do this, call the window "Run" keyboard shortcut Win + R and write a request in it "Regedit".
- When the Windows Registry window appears on the screen, call up the search bar using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F and write into it the address of the site, which is automatically loaded after the spontaneous launch of Yandex.Browser. You will need to remove any keys found by the search.
- Finally, be sure to restart your computer.
Reason 4: extensions work
This type of problem occurs less frequently, but if the previous methods did not help solve the problem, it should also be checked.
- To do this, launch Yandex.Browser, click on the menu button and go to the section "Extras".
- The screen will display a list of extensions installed in the browser. Disable all extensions and watch the browser - if it stops starting on its own, then the problem really lies with them. In this case, you will need to find out which add-on was the key to the problem and remove it.
Reason 5: Browser Settings
In order not to find out which settings affected this problem, we recommend that you immediately reset your browser settings.
- To do this, click on the menu button, and then go to the section "Settings".
- Go down to the very end of the window and click on the button "Show advanced settings".
- Scroll to the very bottom of the page again and click on the button "Reset settings".
- Finally, confirm the start of this procedure.
Reason 6: the browser is not working correctly
Again, due to viruses, your browser may not work correctly, and the most logical step to solve such a problem is to reinstall the browser.
- It is best to remove the browser from your computer not through the “Control Panel” menu, but using a special utility Revo Uninstaller, with which the quality of uninstallation will increase several times thanks to additional scanning of the system for remaining files (of which, as a rule, there are many left). If you do not have the opportunity to use this program, uninstall the browser through the menu “Control Panel” – “Programs and Features”.
- When the removal of Yandex Browser is completed, be sure to restart your computer.
- Follow the link at the end of the article to the official website of the Yandex Browser developer and download the latest distribution of the program. All you have to do is install the program on your computer.
Download Yandex.Browser for free
Download the latest version of the program from the official website