How to restore Yandex.Browser

Как восстановить Яндекс.Браузер

Yandex.Browser is a popular web browser created on the basis of the Google Chrome browser, which has gained great popularity due to its stylish interface design, simplicity and speed of operation, as well as an improved security system that prevents the user from accessing fraudulent sites. Today we will talk about restoring this web browser.

As a rule, by restoring the browser, users mean either normalizing its operation or restoring previous settings specified by the user.

Option 1: Restore normal browser operation

If your Yandex Browser is not working correctly and you want to restore its normal functioning, you will need to completely reinstall it.

  1. First of all, you will need to remove the browser from your computer. To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" and go to the section "Programs and Features".

    Как восстановить Яндекс.Браузер

  2. In the list of installed programs, find the Yandex browser, right-click on it and select the item in the context menu that appears "Delete".

  3. Complete the removal process. Once the uninstallation is complete, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

  4. The removal is complete, which means you can start downloading and installing the latest version of the browser. To do this, follow the link at the end of the article to the developer’s official website and download the installation file.

  5. Run the installation file and finish installing the web browser on your computer. From now on the browser should work correctly.

Option 2: Restore previous browser settings

For various reasons, your web browser settings may suddenly change, for example, as a result of installing a program on your computer, the default search engine has changed.

In this situation, you have several options: use the Windows recovery function, delete the current profile and synchronize the browser (if you have previously used this function), as well as remove adware and reset the browser settings.

Method 1: Restore your computer

Windows OS provides a special tool designed to normalize the operation of the computer, which will allow you to return the system to the moment when everything worked correctly. In particular, if, say, a couple of weeks ago Yandex.Browser was working normally, then this tool is quite suitable for restoring the settings of the web browser.

We draw your attention to the fact that if you previously activated the synchronization function, then all the specified settings were sent to the Yandex servers, which means that after performing a system rollback, the browser will synchronize with your account, and the new settings will still return. This method can be rationally used only if synchronization in Yandex Browser is disabled.

  1. Open the menu for etogo "Control Panel" and go to section "Recovery".

  2. Open the section "Run System Restore".

  3. After a moment, the available rollback points will be displayed on the screen, among which you will need to select the one whose date corresponds to the time when, in your opinion, the browser was working normally. Select a point and start the recovery process.

[Please note that the recovery process may take quite a long time - everything will depend on how long ago you selected the rollback point. Be prepared for the computer to take several hours to complete.

After the system restore is complete, check the functionality of the browser - all previous settings will return.

Method 2: Delete profile and sync with account

Suppose your browser suddenly lost its previous settings - installed extensions, user settings, saved passwords and other information. This may indicate that there is a problem with the Yandex Browser profile file on the computer - it has been changed or damaged.

In this case, you can try to solve the problem using the synchronization capabilities, but, of course, this method will only be useful if you have previously used this function for cloud storage of all web browser parameters.

  1. First, you will need to delete your current browser profile file. To do this, launch Yandex.Browser, and then go to the section "Settings".

  2. Find the block "User Profiles" and click on the button "Udalit Profile".

  3. Confirm profile deletion.

  4. The browser will automatically restart, but it will be completely empty - since we deleted the user profile, there are no settings in it yet. All you have to do is enable the synchronization function so that all parameters are transferred from Yandex servers to your web browser. To do this, click on the browser menu button and go to the section "Synchronization".

  5. A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to log in, indicating your username and password and Yandex.

  6. Finally, click on the button "Enable Sync".

Method 3: manually restoring parameters

This step implies that you will methodically and completely independently return all changed settings.

Step 1: Remove software that changes browser settings

If the browser's search engine has been changed, and when launched, the home page of a site that you did not designate opens, it is almost entirely possible that, due to your carelessness, a program was installed on your computer that changes the settings of web browsers.

  1. Open the menu "Control Panel" and go to the section "Programs and Features".

  2. Carefully study the list of programs. If the list contains software like “Sputnik” and similar programs, they will need to be removed, and, in fact, this procedure should be performed not through the “Control Panel”, but using the program Revo Uninstaller – if files from these programs remain on the computer, removal may not be successful.

  3. When the removal of all such programs is completed, be sure to restart your computer. Most likely, this will not return the original browser settings, but now they will not change every time.

Step 2: Remove extensions

Browser settings can also be affected by extensions installed in the browser. Therefore, be sure to review the list of installed add-ons and remove any suspicious ones.

  1. To do this, open the Yandex.Browser menu and go to the section "Extras".

  2. A list of browser extensions will appear on the screen. Disable any extensions you don't use.

Step 3: Reset your browser settings

Now the browser settings can be returned to their original form, but all settings, if they were previously set by you, will also be deleted.

  1. Open your browser settings. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the button "Show advanced settings".

  2. Scroll further down the page and click on the very last button - "Reset settings".

  3. Confirm your intention to reset settings.

  4. From this point on, the settings are reset, and now you can move on to relearning the browser, adding exactly the settings and extensions that you need.

Please note that if after all the actions taken, for example, the browser still redirects to advertising sites, we can conclude that there is virus activity on your computer that affects the operation of the browser. In this case, you will need to scan the system using your antivirus or a special utility Dr.Web CureIt. If, at the end of the scan, virus activity is detected on the computer, you will need to eliminate it and then restart the computer.
If you have any comments on the article, be sure to leave them in the comments.
January 11, 2017 5
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  1. Alexey
    18 March 2018 16: 41
    I already wrote to you today that I accidentally deleted all the website passwords, etc. from my wife’s computer. Then everything went fine, I thought you fixed it, but now I wanted to thank you, but again there’s nothing there
  2. Kait.15
    20 March 2018 10: 16
    Andrey, hello. Unfortunately, our site does not belong to Yandex, but if you describe your problem in as much detail as possible, we will try to help you resolve the problem.
  3. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 10: 51
    Good afternoon, I want to thank you for such a clear article! I managed to restore it the first time! 
  4. Tulip
    6 December 2023 14: 35
    It’s so cool that you have so many articles about my favorite Yandex browser.
  5. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 20: 35
    Wow, this article says how to restore the browser, I couldn’t even imagine how to do it