How to activate parental controls in Yandex Browser

Today every child is forced to use the Internet (for educational purposes). Unfortunately, in addition to the abundance of useful information, there is a ton of prohibited materials here that you want to protect your child from. That is why today we will talk about how you can activate the parental control function in Yandex Browser.
Unfortunately, Yandex Browser does not provide built-in tools that allow you to set up parental controls. However, there are alternative methods using third-party tools that will make using the popular browser much safer for children.
Method 1: using DNS from Yandex
Yandex has developed its own DNS servers that filter incoming traffic. All you need to do is set the desired DNS addresses in Windows settings.
First of all, it is advisable that your child have a separate account in which such settings will be made, since if you use one account, you may need to resort to disabling the specified DNS addresses, which, you see, is not very it's convenient.
- Open the menu in your child's account "Control Panel" and go to the section "Network and Sharing Center".
- In the left area of the window, select the item "Change adapter settings".
- Right-click on your active network connection and select the item from the pop-up list "Properties".
- Select an item with one click "IP version 4", and then click the button "Properties".
- Set point to parameter "Use the following DNS server addresses" and in both columns write the following addresses from Yandex: - Save the changes by clicking the button "OK".
From now on, traffic filtering will be carried out in all browsers (not only Yandex.Browser) installed on the computer. You can disable parental controls by setting the option in the same menu "Poluchit adres DNS-servera automaticheski".
Method 2: using special software
Today there are a considerable number of programs equipped with filtering of incoming traffic. If you have an antivirus on your computer, pay attention to its settings; it is more than likely that the “Parental Control” function is there, and you just need to configure it.
If you don’t have an antivirus or it doesn’t provide such a function, pay attention to the Adguard program - this is an effective multifunctional solution for blocking ads in browsers and other programs on your computer, to ensure Internet security, and also to set up parental controls.
Download the Adguard program
- In order to activate parental control in Adguard, you will need to open the program settings and go to the tab on the left side of the window "Parental control".
- In the window that opens, you will need to activate the item "Parental control", if necessary, adjust the sensitivity level, and also protect the disabling of this function with a password. When this tool is activated, neither Yandex.Browser nor any other web browser installed on the computer will display prohibited content that can harm the child’s psyche.