How to restore correspondence in Viber

Как восстановить переписку в Viber

Viber is one of the most popular instant messengers, which allows you to communicate with other users of this service completely free of charge (Internet traffic is not taken into account). Over time, each of us accumulates a decent amount of correspondence. Today we will look at whether there are any ways to restore this correspondence.

How to restore correspondence in Viber

The problem with the Viber service is that all correspondence is stored not on its servers, but directly on the user’s device. That is why, if you accidentally deleted a correspondence and you did not create a backup first, you will not be able to restore this data.

How to create a backup copy of correspondence

Now let’s assume a situation where your correspondence has not yet been deleted, but you want to save it securely in case a situation with its deletion (or a simple reinstallation of the application) happens.

  1. Launch Viber and go to the rightmost tab "Yet". Open section "Settings".

    Как восстановить переписку в Viber

  2. Choose a section "Calls and messages".

  3. Opening the item "Send message history", you will be asked to send your chat history to your email address.

Similarly, a backup copy of correspondence can be created on any device, except for a computer - this function is not available in the desktop version of Viber.

How to restore messages from a backup

Again, it is impossible to restore previously saved correspondence on the device. Since the file sent to you by email is in text format, you can only study it through Notepad or another text editor. Unfortunately, Viber developers have not taken care of the convenience of restoring user correspondence. We hope this situation is temporary, and soon developers will follow in the footsteps of WhatsApp, where conversations are stored on the developer’s servers and are available for recovery at any time and on any device.
November 01, 2017 3
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  1. Liabreath
    21 November 2023 20: 09
    I saved all the correspondence; I don’t want to lose the necessary information. Thanks for the important information. 
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 16: 33
    I remember I deleted the correspondence and could not restore it because it was deleted from the device
  3. Stason
    6 December 2023 22: 01
    and I thought I couldn’t restore the correspondence with the hater