How to change login on Steam

Как поменять логин в Steam

Among all existing gaming services, Steam is rightfully considered the most popular. This service has hundreds of millions of active users, among whom you are likely to be. If, in your opinion, the current login is outdated, you always have the opportunity to change it.

Login is an individual user name by which other users of the Steam service can find you. Over the years, a login may become obsolete, which is why there is an understandable desire to change it.

How to change login on Steam?

  1. Launch the Steam program and, if necessary, log in with your account.

  2. Click on your current login at the top of the program window. An additional menu will appear on the screen in which you should select "Profile".

    Как поменять логин в Steam

  3. In the new window, click on the button "Edit profile".

  4. In the "Profile name" and your login appears. Accordingly, in order to change your login, you will need to enter a new username.

  5. Having specified the new user login, go to the very bottom of the page and click on the button "Save changes"for the new login to take effect.

Actually, that’s all – as you can see, the login can be changed literally in no time. If you still have questions about the article, we will be glad if you ask them in the comments.
January 06, 2017 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 20: 14
    If the login that was used during registration, then it cannot be changed, but if the nickname is in the profile, then you need to go to the profile settings and there you can directly change the nickname and avatar