How to unblock the Adobe Flash Player plugin

Как разблокировать плагин Adobe Flash Player

Recently, users of many browsers have begun to experience the fact that their web browser blocks the work of the most popular Adobe Flash Player plugin. This article will tell you in detail how to unlock the plugin.

The insecurity of the Flash Player plug-in has been talked about for a long time: it, having many vulnerabilities, can allow viruses to penetrate through the Internet browser onto user computers. It is this fact that has influenced the fact that many browsers block its work, and some begin to completely refuse to support it.

Unblocking Flash Player in Google Chrome

  1. By clicking on the Internet browser menu icon in the upper right corner, go to the item "Settings".

    Как разблокировать плагин Adobe Flash Player

  2. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and then click on the option "Additional".

  3. In the block "Privacy and Security" select button "Content Settings".

  4. Select item "Flash".

  5. Place the toggle switch in the active position next to the parameter “Allow Flash on sites”. Additionally, to make it easier to launch the plugin, you can deactivate the item "Always ask".

Unblocking Flash Player in Yandex.Browser

  1. Go to the Internet browser settings from Yandex.

  2. At the end of the page that opens you will find a button "Show advanced settings", which you will need to select.

  3. In the block "Personal data" navigate to "Content Settings".

  4. Find the block "Flash" activate the parameter "Allow Flash to run on all sites". Click on the button "Done" to save changes.

Unblocking Flash Player in Mozilla Firefox

Users often have problems with the functioning of Flash Player in Mozilla Firefox, since this web browser was one of the first to take active steps to refuse support for the popular plugin. For now, the plugin is supported by the web browser, but most likely this is temporary.
  1. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner of your web browser, then go to the section "Additions".

  2. In the left area of ​​the window, navigate to the section "Plugins", and on the right look for "Shockwave Flash". Set the value next to this plugin "Always on".

Unblock Flash Player in Opera

  1. Go to the Opera browser settings.

  2. On the left side of the window, go to the tab "Sites", and on the right in the block "Flash" activate the parameter "Allow sites to run Flash".

Unblocking Flash Player in Internet Explorer

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner, then go to "Configure add-ons".

  2. Choose a section "Toolbars and Extensions", and then activate the item "Shockwave Flash Object".

If you use another web browser that is not included in the article, write in the comments and we will try to help you solve the problem with Flash Player being blocked.
January 23, 2017 9
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  1. Olga
    27 June 2018 19: 51
    Thank you very much! I did it easily according to your recommendations! Thank you)
  2. Barbara
    20 September 2018 04: 13
    This method does not apply to the new version of chrome! There is no option in the settings to “allow flash on sites”; you just always have to ask or disable it completely! At the same time, it also says that when you restart, the settings will be reset!
  3. Kait.15
    24 September 2018 10: 30
    Varvara, indeed, the option “Allow Flash to run on all sites” has disappeared in Google Chrome. However, a little lower in the same Flash Player settings window you will have the opportunity to add to the list of sites for which you always allow this plugin to work. Or, if you give permission to launch Flash once after going to the site, this request will not appear all subsequent times, that is, the launch will be carried out automatically.
  4. katerinaLina
    27 November 2018 02: 24
    Thanks, it helped too
  5. Larissa
    17 October 2019 05: 54
    Thanks for the detailed instructions
  6. Taisa
    15 December 2019 12: 09
    Thank you for this material, it helps a lot in my work!

    Thank you, very useful site!
  7. Vladimir
    18 March 2020 19: 18
    How to unblock the Adobe Flash Player plugin
  8. Valentine
    8 June 2020 20: 33
    I can't unlock the flash player! HELP ME PLEASE!
  9. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 10: 31
    I managed to unlock the plugin! Thank you