How to overclock an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650 video card

Как разогнать видеокарту NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650

Did you know that your video card is capable of more? Almost any video card can be overclocked, allowing you to significantly increase its performance. We'll tell you more about how a video card is overclocked using the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 as an example.

Please note that the instructions described below are suitable not only for the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 video card, but also for other models of video cards, however, we cannot but warn you that performing the overclocking procedure is fraught with complete failure of your device, and therefore all further Perform actions with extreme caution and at your own peril and risk.

The principle of overclocking a video card

To carry out overclocking, we will need two utilities - one informational, which will conduct a stress test of the video card, checking its performance, and the other, respectively, to carry out the overclocking procedure itself.

To overclock the video card we will use the program NVIDIA Inspector, which is a free tool for unlocking your video card and enhancing the operation of certain parameters.

Download the NVIDIA Inspector program

And, of course, you should definitely download a program to conduct a stress test, with the help of which we will find out how well the overclocking procedure is displayed on the video card. You can use any program to test a video card, but in our example we will focus on Furmark.

Скачать программу Furmark

  1. When overclocking, the video card will consume significantly more heat, which means, first of all, we should increase the heat dissipation limit. To do this, launch NVIDIA Inspector and click on the “Show Overclocking” button in the lower right corner. Next, set the parameters indicated in the screenshot to the maximum (the video card will make more noise, but there will also be an increase in performance).

  2. Now you can start overclocking. To begin with, the memory is overclocked, the frequency of which should be increased by no more than 100 MHz. Immediately after applying the new parameter, run testing in Furmark and check the picture quality, which should not show any delays or artifacts. The test duration is approximately 10 minutes, after which you can close it and increase the frequency further (but this time by no more than 50 MHz).

    Как разогнать видеокарту NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650

    After increasing, again, start testing. At the slightest artifacts, you should slightly reduce the frequency and check the performance to identify the ideal parameter for overclocking.

  3. Having decided on the frequency, you should monitor the temperature, because under no circumstances should you allow the video card to overheat. To do this, start testing the video card for 30 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, check the temperature indicator: if it even slightly exceeds 90 degrees, the video card cannot cope with the selected frequency, which means it will need to be lowered. Normally, the temperature of the video card during testing should fluctuate between 75-90 degrees.

Actually, we hope that we were able to prove to you that overclocking a video card is a simple procedure, however, you should be especially careful, since an excessive increase in frequency can lead to complete failure of the video card.
October 04, 2017 2
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 16: 41
    I'm afraid that if you overclock such a video card, it won't withstand it at all.
  2. Stason
    6 December 2023 22: 40
    this is just a cruel cringe, bros, buy yourself a decent video card Stas sucked dick