How to defragment a disk on Windows 8

Как сделать дефрагментацию диска на Windows 8

To maintain the speed of the hard drive and the system itself at an acceptable level, you need to regularly carry out the defragmentation procedure. During this process, information on the disk is structured into clusters. However, defragmentation can only be done for regular HDD drives (and not too often). If you have an SSD, then it is recommended to completely abandon defragmentation.

How does defragmentation work in Windows 8?

By default, G8 performs automatic defragmentation once a week. The process occurs in the background, so it doesn’t particularly interfere with working on the computer. However, if for some reason you would like to carry out the procedure manually, then there are both special programs from third-party developers and standard Windows tools for this.

Step 1: Auslogics Disk Defrag

This is one of the best software solutions from third party developers. The program performs defragmentation faster and better than standard Windows tools. It also has a more convenient and intuitive interface. During defragmentation, files are not only distributed across clusters, but also moved to faster disk partitions depending on their importance in the system. Additionally, the program pauses the process of file fragmentation in the future, which will allow defragmentation to occur somewhat less frequently. This is good, since performing this operation frequently reduces the life of the hard drive.

Instructions for working with Auslogics Disk Defrag are as follows:
  1. Open the program. In the central window you can see a list of disks. Check the box next to the ones you would like to defragment.

  2. Before starting defragmentation itself, it is recommended to analyze the disk. To do this, click on the arrow icon opposite "Defragmentation". From the drop-down menu select "Analysis".

    Как сделать дефрагментацию диска на Windows 8

  3. Wait for the analysis to complete. If one of the disks (or all disks) has a fragmentation level higher than 5%, then the disk needs defragmentation. To do this, use the corresponding button located under the list of disks.

Method 2: Wise Disk Cleaner

This is a multifunctional program for cleaning and optimizing the operating system, distributed free of charge. Before starting work, the program creates a backup copy of system data, so that if important information is deleted/damaged, you can restore it without any problems.

The disk optimization process occurs as follows:
  1. Go to section "Defragmentation", which is located in the top menu.

  2. Below, check the boxes next to the drives you would like to optimize.

  3. Click on the green button "Defragmentation".

Method 3: Piriform Defaggler

This program is a product from the developers of the famous CCleaner, but is distributed completely free of charge. Unlike the standard utility, Windows has a more convenient interface, and the optimization process in the program itself is a little faster. This program also has a unique feature - defragmenting individual folders and files, however, not all folders and files are suitable for optimization.

To defragment, you need to use these short instructions:
  1. Open the program. Click the mouse to select the disk you will work with.

  2. First, you can check the degree of disk fragmentation. To do this, pay attention to the block "Condition". By default, no information will be displayed there, so click on the button "Performance assessment".

  3. Please wait until the assessment is completed. If in line "Fragmented" If the value is above 5%, then you can start defragmentation by using the button of the same name at the bottom of the window.

  4. Wait for optimization to complete.

Method 4: Standard Windows Feature

If you do not have time to download and install any third-party software solutions, then you can use the standard Windows solution:
  1. Open "This computer". You can open it through the tiled menu "Start" or via "Conductor", using the items in the left menu.

  2. Right-click on any drive and select from the context menu "Properties".

  3. A new window will open here, where you need to go to the tab "Service" and press "Optimize".

  4. A new window will open where you need to select the disk by clicking on it. It is recommended to initially analyze the disk for the degree of fragmentation. Use the button "Analysis". The process may take a long time (depending on the disk size and system speed).

  5. If the degree of fragmentation exceeds 5%, then feel free to start the defragmentation procedure using the button of the same name.

Using one of the methods presented, you can quickly defragment the hard drive on your computer. However, do not forget that Windows carries out this procedure in the background every week, so it is not worth performing manual optimization often.
December 30, 2017 3
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  1. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 15: 23
    It’s very convenient to defragment a disk on Windows 8! Thanks a lot! everything works great! 
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 16: 21
    Auslogics Disk Defrag I use these disk defragmentation applications

  3. Stason
    6 December 2023 23: 02
    I fragmented the disk on my Windows 8, well, that’s a different matter