How to remove Windows 10 from a laptop

It often happens that a user gets tired of Windows 10 or is faced with the problem of lack of support for some drivers in this operating system.
Uninstalling Windows 10
There are several removal methods. Before proceeding, it is recommended that you back up important user files, as there is a possibility that they will be deleted during the rollback or its failure.
Option 1: Revert to a previous version of Windows
This is one of the easiest removal methods. The fact is that if you switched from the seventh or eighth version to the tenth, then you most likely still have a backup copy. The problem is that if thirty days have passed since the transition to “ten”, then a rollback will be impossible due to the automatic deletion of old data.
There are a huge number of special programs for recovery. Let's take a closer look at rolling back using the Rollback Utility. It is possible to record the program on a flash drive, disk, or create a virtual disk. The program has a simple and intuitive interface that any PC user can easily understand. After installing the utility, launch it and go to the settings.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Find "Automated Repair".
- A list will open in which you need to select the desired operating system and click on the button "Roll back".
- Just in case, you should keep a backup of the “tens”, since the restored OS may not start.
Recovery using built-in tools:
- Go to Pusk, and from there to "Options" (gear icon). You can also use a hotkey combination Win + I.
- Finding an element "Obnovleniya i bezopasnost".
- We pass to "Recovery" and click on the button "To begin".
- The rollback process begins. You just have to wait for the procedure to complete, during which the computer may reboot several times.
Option 2: Using GParted LiveCD
This option allows you to completely remove Windows. You need a disk or flash drive to burn GParted LiveCD.
Step-by-step instruction:
- We prepare an image, media with another operating system and copy all the necessary files to a place that is safe for you.
- When starting, hold down the key F2 and go to BIOS.
- Zakhaodim vo vkladku "Boot" and we find "Secure Boot". We disable this option to correctly install the new operating system.
- Save and reboot. To do this, you can use the item "Save & Exit", which will be located in the top or central menu (depending on the BIOS version).
- Once again we go into the BIOS and again go to "Boot".
- Here you need to change the values so that the media with the new OS is in first place.
- Save again and reboot.
- A list will appear in which you need to select "GParted Live (Default settings)".
- The screen will display a list of absolutely all volumes present on the laptop.
- In order to format a partition, you need to call the context menu and then select NTFS.
- Installing a new OS.
Option 3: Reinstall Windows 10
Step-by-step instruction:
- Go to BIOS and disable "Secure Boot".
- We boot from the media with the new OS. In the window, select the required object and format it.
- We install the operating system.
- Done!