Monitoring the temperature of the video card

Наблюдение за температурой видеокарты

One of the most important indicators is the temperature of the video card - it must be monitored regularly and systematically. If you are lazy and have never checked the video card, then you will receive and sign: here it is, the long-awaited overheating of the graphics chip located in an expensive and worn-out video adapter.

About the available methods

In this article we will look at two options for monitoring the temperature of a video card: one that requires an additional utility, and the other that requires additional equipment, a device called a pyrometer.

Option 1: Measurement using a pyrometer

Unfortunately, not all components on the graphics adapter's printed circuit board are equipped with sensors: for example, a memory chip or power subsystem. However, it is these components that have the habit of overheating under excessive load, and more specifically, when overclocking the graphics adapter.

Наблюдение за температурой видеокарты

To measure temperature in this way, you will need a special device - a pyrometer. The measurement itself is quite easy: you need to point the device’s beam at the components of the board and measure the temperature.

Option 2: Using special programs

Utilities that can be used to measure temperature can be mentally divided into two subgroups: informational (where you can only monitor indicators) and diagnostic (in which you can test your computer).

GPU-Z is a program of the first type. With its help, you can track the load level of the nodes, as well as find out information about the video card - model, amount of video memory and processor frequency. Find this information on the tab "Sensors".

The utility allows you to configure the display of minimum or maximum and average values. If you are interested in the temperature to which the graphics adapter heats up under maximum load, then click on the item "Show Highest Reading" in the drop-down menu. In order to “load” the video card, you need to run a powerful game for 30-40 minutes. The program will automatically detect the highest temperature of the video card.

There is also a more advanced utility - Furmark, which allows you to monitor readings from video card sensors and read their value.
  1. First of all, run the utility, then click on the button "GPU stress test".

  2. After this click on "GO"to start trusting.

  3. After your consent, the “hairy donut” test will begin - that is, the benchmark so called by users. There is a scale at the bottom of the screen where you can watch the temperature change. It is necessary to continue observation until the graph becomes a solid straight line: this means that the temperature has stopped rising.

In this article, we looked at options for measuring the heating of a video card, which will allow you to identify the problem in time and fix it.
February 03, 2018 4
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  1. Tulip
    6 December 2023 11: 18
    I started getting an error about the video card overheating, I installed a new additional fan, the error disappeared, but I feel that the video card is still heating up.
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 14: 25
    I use the MSI autoburn program, it’s very easy to regulate even the fans there, see how the video card is loaded, how many degrees, how many degrees of the processor
  3. Stason
    6 December 2023 23: 13
    Monitoring the temperature of the video card is a very important process.
  4. Basketball
    6 December 2023 23: 57
    It is very important to monitor the temperature of the video card, I will monitor