How to register in Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular articles. But many inexperienced users do not know how to register in it. This process is not very complicated and will not take much time.
Rules for registration in Odnoklassniki
To register with Odnoklassniki, the user must first prepare. You will need:
- Mobile phone number of the person who will be registered. It is advisable that the user does not change it, since the number will allow access to the page to be restored if necessary.
- It is also recommended to provide an email address; newsletters and useful information will be sent there. This item is optional.
- Create a password for the page. It must contain from 6 to 12 characters, you can use capital and small letters, as well as numbers and symbols .!#$%^&*()_-+) . It is important that the user remembers the password and does not share it with anyone.
When registering, you need to take into account the language in which you entered your password. If it was initially specified in English and then entered in Russian, you will not be able to log in to the page.
Stage 1: Registration with OK
The first step is to open the social network site, which is located at If, when opening the site, another user’s page is displayed, you will need to click the button "Vykhod" in the upper right corner. Only after this will it be possible to register a new account.

Next, follow these steps:
- You will be prompted to log in or register. It is not possible to log in because the necessary data is not yet available. You will need to press "Registration", then select your country of residence and enter your phone number.
A confirmation code will be sent to the specified number, which must be entered in the appropriate field. After which you can move on to the next stage.Please note that registration without a phone number is impossible. This option is not provided by the creators of the social network. Also, if you delete your page, registration for the same number will be available only after a certain time. - Then you will need to enter the password you created. It is recommended to write it down so as not to forget and lose access to your page. If errors were made, the site will indicate them by highlighting them in red and describing the reason.
If all information has been entered correctly, the user will be taken directly to the newly created page. You can start filling it out, upload photos, indicate places of study and work, and look for friends.
Stage 2: Entering personal data
Next, you will need to fill out the basic fields with personal information. This will help complete the user's registration so that friends can find him on this social network.
You will need to enter the following information:
- Username and gender.
- Last name. Girls who took their husband's last name can indicate their maiden name in parentheses.
- Date of birth, including day, month and year. The day, month and year are selected from the drop-down list.

To specify your email address, which can be used as a login when entering the page, you will need to click "My settings" and find the corresponding line there.

Then click on the button "Specify" and enter the requested data.

After specifying your email address, you will receive a page confirmation email. You will need to open it and follow the link provided. It is recommended to do this as soon as possible so that the link does not expire.
As can be seen from the article, registering on Odnoklassniki is not very difficult and even a novice user can complete a similar procedure without any problems.