Convert PDF to Word

Конвертировать ПДФ в Ворд

One of the ways to do this conversion is to use special online services for converting files from PDF to Word. This method for converting files is very convenient, especially in cases where this procedure is carried out only once or very rarely.

In this case, you do not have to download the program and install it on your computer, however, you need to exercise some caution here if the file is particularly sensitive and you are afraid for its safety - after all, you are sending the file to people you don’t know. If the file does not have confidentiality status, then you can use one of the file conversion services. Such sites convert files from PDF to Word of any year and are quite easy to use.
The conversion is done as follows:
1. Select the required file;
2. Upload it to the site;
3. Click the “Convert” button;
4. After conversion, the file is automatically downloaded to your computer.

Of such kind online conversion services have already proven themselves well and are in great demand.

Another way to convert files from PDF to Word is to use special conversion programs. One such program is the Free PDF to Word Converter program. The advantage of this program over others is that it is free to download and use, unlike the others. File conversion occurs in a similar way to conversion in online services.

And the last conversion method allows you to open PDF files without conversion. This function is supported by the new version of Microsoft Word 2013. New version of the text editor Microsoft Office package allows you to open PDF files without prior conversion, edit them and save them in both PDF and doc formats, docx. According to many people, the last conversion option is the most convenient due to the absence of the need to perform unnecessary actions outside of one program.
April 28, 2014 4
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 17: 21
    Oh, I still haven’t found the perfect online converter. No one saw my documents completely. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 17: 17
    This information has helped me a lot in my work now. They only sent a PDF by mail, but did not include a Word document for a correct answer. I read the article, found the converter and voila! All is ready)
  3. Zhibek
    2 December 2023 15: 22
    The PDF converter is a real godsend. I often find the information I need, but I need it in Word. Now he will definitely use the PDF to Word converter. The program does not lag, it works quickly. 
  4. NIKITA2613
    4 December 2023 11: 26
    Excellent article, figured it all out, learned to work in Word with this format