Native advertising in your marketing campaign

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Benefits of using native advertising formats in your marketing campaign

Native advertising is an effective type of digital platform. This fairly new concept in digital advertising has quickly gained popularity and acceptance among audiences around the world and is likely to be a game changer that will take advertising to the next level. This format is one of the preferred monetization methods for social media giants. Players in the publishing industry were also quick to follow suit. The fact that more advertisers are adopting native advertising on MGID as part of their communications strategy means that the format is a win-win for all players in the ecosystem. Below we will consider the main formats of native advertising, as well as its main advantages.

 Native advertising formats

  1. Native ad units in the feed
Native in-feed advertising is typically branded as part of other content on the platform on which it appears. This is widely used by publishers like Facebook, Forbes, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to seamlessly integrate branded content and its target audience.
  1. Search and Promoted Listings
This type of paid search ad will sit above organic search results and behave just like organic results. It is measured by conversion metrics such as purchase. It's important that native search ads match the format and layout of organic search results.
  1. Content recommendation widgets
Here, paid content is delivered to the audience through widgets. It generally does not imitate the appearance of the content delivery platform on which it appears. The placement of these widgets is not clearly defined and may vary depending on the publisher's user interface.
  1. Custom content units
 These are sponsored ad units that deliver branding to their audience with customized content based on the advertiser and the publisher platform on which it appears. Well-known sites that allow this type of advertising include Tumblr, Pandora, and Spotify. For example, advertisers roll out custom playlists and sponsored playlists appear on Pandora.
  1. In-game native advertising
 In this case, advertising fits organically into the gaming environment. In this format, game assets are typically labeled or replaced with branded assets. Enabling native advertising involves replacing game assets such as power-ups, character clothing, background elements, etc. with branded assets.

  Benefits of native advertising
  • Native advertising is never intrusive - unlike banner advertising which irritates the consumer, here the consumer is conditioned and given space to consume content as per his convenience without being forced by pushy banner advertising
  • The advertisement displayed in the background is subconsciously consumed by the consumer with zero effort - no effort is required from the consumer to consume the content. The context in which the advertisement is placed makes it easy to register the product/service in the minds of consumers.
  • Native ads allow the advertiser's content to stand out by blending with it - when placed in the right context, native ads perform better and stand out from underperforming banner ads
  • Native advertising generates higher click-through rates than other mobile ads - its unobtrusive nature has led to high adoption rates, resulting in higher click-through rates.
  Native advertising provides a win-win opportunity for everyone in the mobile ecosystem—advertisers can effectively communicate a brand's offerings without worrying about annoying their advertisers, publishers don't have to worry about losing their user base, and users can enjoy their content without intrusion.
June 05, 2021 4
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  1. Stason
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  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 13: 33
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