Mobile offers in CPA

Мобильные офферы в CPA

This publication is dedicated to the most current trend of recent years — mobile segment in the performance marketing market. Mobile traffic is growing every day; analytical agencies and even mobile operators keep saying this. The number of mobile devices with Internet access is almost equal to the world’s population. And although no one says that web traffic will one day completely exhaust itself, even now you should not stay away from the development of the Internet advertising industry. 

So, mobile offers.

What should a novice webmaster know in order to competently start working with an affiliate network and communicate with a personal manager in the same language?

Key terms:

  • CPI (cost per install) — payment for installing the application;
  • CPA (cost per action) - payment for action;
  • PPA (pay per action) is actually the same as CPA/ And here action means:
    • CPL (cost per lead) - payment for a lead or interested client. For example, filling out a form on a website, registering, applying for a loan or the like;
    • CPS (cost per sale) - payment for the purchase;
    • RevShare - % of cost. This payment option for actions is always linked to interest. This means that the advertiser is ready to share sales, for example, 5% of the purchase price in the application.

In-app purchases:

  • CPC (cost per click) - cost per click;
  • PPC (pay per click) - payment for click-through;
  • CPM (cost per mille) - price per 1 impressions.
Mobile offers — in CPA terminology, these are applications. The application is designed for a specific platform and is downloaded from the application store using an affiliate link.
  • APK (android application package) is an archive file containing all the application code. Files with this extension can be stored on any website, downloaded to a smartphone or tablet computer and installed manually by the user on the device. In more detail, this is a type of boot file installed on the device. This abbreviation is always written in the offer description, because... may provide certain advantages to the webmaster. For example, the advertised item could be a game that costs 300 rubles on Google Play, but the APK file allows you to install it for free.

Common platforms.

  • iOS - App Store is an application store, but there are different stores for iPhone and iPad;
  • Android - Google Play application store;
  • Windows phone - Windows Phone Store application store.

Traffic quality:

  • CTR (click-through rate) - click-through rate. It consists of the formula CTR=(clicks/impressions)x100 (the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions and multiplied by 100);
  • CR (conversion rate) - conversion rate;
  • EPC (earn per click) - earnings per click. This indicator is necessary to assess the profitability of the entire campaign. For example, if the cost per click (CPC) is higher in price than EPC, then when buying traffic you go into the red and vice versa;
  • ROI (return of investment) - return on investment;
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) — requirement for traffic quality. It may consist of indicators such as:
    • RR (retention rate) - the percentage of users who returned to the application after installation in a certain period. For example, RR2=30% - this means that the return of users on the second day should be at least 30 percent, or RR7=20% - this option means that the return of users after seven days should be 20 percent.
    • ARPU (average revenue per user) - this indicator is needed to assess the quality of user investments, average receipt;
    • CLV (customer lifetime value) is another indicator for advertisers, user profitability. Sometimes it is expressed in certain monetary amounts. We must not forget that the advertiser is ultimately interested in profit from the users you refer.

Traffic quality indicators will help you understand how relevant your traffic is and how it will be paid for.
In the personal account of the affiliate network, almost all KPIs can be tracked in the proposed statistics when sorted by goals. That is, you can count not only the installations themselves and various targeted actions, but also user returns, in-app purchases and any other tracked events.

Payment order

  • HOLD (freeze of funds) is a period intended for the advertiser to check traffic. If the lead leaves hold, then you can order a payment;
  • NET 7, NET 30 (payment frequency) - these are payment frequency options, once every seven days, once every 30 days, and so on;
  • MINIMUM PAYOUTS (minimum payout) - withdrawal of funds from the system at one time.

We hope that after our brief description the basic terminology for working with Mobile offers it became clearer to you.

June 14, 2021 4
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 19: 38
    Mobile offers in CPA, so I was scammed into tanks for 5k of my mother’s
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 13: 31
    It’s not particularly clear what exactly is meant here under the offers
  3. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 15: 41
    The article about mobile offers is very useful! now I know! Thank you! 
  4. Basketball
    6 December 2023 22: 55
    Excellent publication, worth a read, I liked it, thank you