How to completely remove Kaspersky

Как удалить полностью Касперского

The easiest way is to download a special program, for example, “Kavremover”. You can find it on the official Kaspersky website. Next, after restarting the computer, at the moment the operating system starts, press F8 and select safe mode from the suggested boot options. We open the downloaded utility, agree to the license text, select “Kaspersky” in the uninstall menu and wait for the uninstallation process to complete. Then reboot the computer in normal mode. From this point on antivirus completely removed. Antivirus can also be removed manually. To do this, go to the Start menu, open Control Panel and select Add or Remove Programs. A list of all programs on your computer will open. Find “Kaspersky” in it and click “Delete”. Three possible options will appear in the pop-up window: change, restore, delete. You need to select the “delete” option.

Next, wait for the uninstallation to complete. Once the process is complete, open the Start menu and click the Search button. In the field we enter “kaspersky”, “kav” and if the search displays our request, then we must manually delete these files.

Next comes the most difficult part, since you need to clear the computer registry of all unnecessary antivirus entries. Go to “Start” again, click “Run”. To enter the registry, type “regedit” in the line that appears. Using the “Edit” – “Find” tab, we delete the lines that appear, after inserting the same words as in the “Search” line. After each deleted line, you must press F3 to return to the search. We clear the registry until there are no antivirus entries left. If you are an inexperienced user, then it is better to entrust this operation to a special program that will remove Kaspersky antivirus from your hard drive and will erase all mentions of it from the registry, and will also save your time.
January 03, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    1 December 2023 17: 33
    And why didn't I find this site earlier? After all, if you actually delete Casper, parts of it remain on the computer. It's so annoying! Now it’s clear that because of this garbage there are even special programs.