Pirated software

In addition to the consequences provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a person who uses pirated software risks the safety of the functionality of his personal computer, as well as personal and commercial data. Therefore, to avoid adverse consequences, you should use only licensed software.

Administrative responsibility.

Article No. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for the following actions:

  • Implementation of pirated software
  • Transferring it for temporary use for payment (rental)
  • Other forms of use
  • Changing manufacturer information.


  1. Confiscation of property and software.
  2. Fine in the amount:
    • 1 5002 rubles for using the software by a private person;
    • 10 00020 use by officials;
    • 30 00040 legal entities.

By officials, the laws mean: the general director, the system administrator, and employees involved in computer activities.
Confiscation of property implies the seizure of computers, suspension of the activities of a company or enterprise. But often the equipment is not taken away, but the unlicensed software is simply removed from the PC.

Civil liability

The violator is responsible to the owner of this software.


  1. Financial compensation. The amount of payment is determined by the court, and can range from 10 to 000 rubles.
  2. Compensation for damages caused.

The primary owner himself chooses the form of liability, but the amount of damage must be proven. Monetary compensation is paid in any case.

Criminal liability for pirated software

Criminal Article No. 146 provides for serious punishment for the unlawful use of copyright. The article applies only to the individual citizen.


  1. Fine up to 200 rubles or in the amount of wages or other income for the period up to 18 months.
  2. Mandatory work up to 480 hours.
  3. Correctional labor for up to two years.
  4. Forced labor for up to two years.
  5. Imprisonment for up to two years.

Criminal liability occurs only in case of a major violation, namely, if the price of the software exceeds 100 rubles.

The widely used Microsoft Office suite is also software that requires a license to use.

Distribution or use of pirated software may result in one of the penalties listed above.

For comfortable and safe use, we recommend that you purchase a license from the developer.

February 09, 2022 3
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 16: 50
    For such things they get big fines and debts for life.
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 13: 10
    I don’t use this, but you can always read, it’s better to use licensed programs
  3. Basketball
    6 December 2023 22: 06
    Thank you for the article, a very useful thing, I recommend reading it!