How to unzip a rar file

Как разархивировать файл rar

Users transfer a huge number of packages of documents online every day. These can be scanned copies of magazines, pictures, photographs or videos. Also, almost all programs are downloaded to the computer as a whole archive. Quite often they are packaged using the RAR archiver. For those who do not know how to properly unpack an archive, we will describe this process in detail. Let's start from the very beginning. To unpack files with the .RAR extension, you must have a program on your computer WinRAR, which can be downloaded from the official website

The file will look like a stack of books, as shown in the picture.

Как разархивировать файл rar

To unpack files from an archive, you need to right-click on the file.

The window will show possible options for unpacking the archive with data:

- “Extract files...” - you must specify the location on the computer where the files from the archive should be.

- “Extract to current folder” - the unpacked files will in this case end up in the folder with this archive. In this case, unpacking will occur instantly without any dialog boxes.

- “Extract to “archive name” - in this case, the files will end up in the folder of the same name with the archive. That is, there will be an archive, for example “This”, and the same folder “This” with files in the same directory.

This type of unpacking is the most preferable, because the files will be located in a separate folder and you will not have to collect them between other data located in this directory. Now there are more universal and user-friendly archivers, for example, Hamster
January 09, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 13: 13
    A useful article, and the best archiver out there.