How to set an alarm on a laptop

Как поставить будильник на ноутбуке

You can set an alarm clock on a laptop in several ways: using standard Windows utilities, using already installed programs with an additional alarm setting tool, or using special alarm clock programs. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Note that the options for setting the alarm do not depend on the laptop model; the operating system that is installed is responsible for this.

The standard ways to set an alarm in Windows are, first of all, “Task Scheduler” and “Windows Media Player" As mentioned above, some programs also provide an alarm tool.

Setting an alarm using the Task Scheduler in Windows 7 or Windows 8
To do this, you need to launch the “Task Scheduler”. For Windows 7, just click the “Start” button and type “Scheduler” into the search. For windows 8 it is a little harder to find. So, in the search we enter “Control Panel”.

Как поставить будильник на ноутбуке

Open the program and select “Administration”

In the list of utilities we find “Task Scheduler” and launch it.

To set an alarm, select the action called “Create a simple task.”

A task creation wizard will open that will help you set an alarm. In the first step, specify the name of the task and click “Next”.

After this, indicate the period for completing the task and click “Next”.

In the next window of the wizard, we indicate the date and time of the alarm clock, as well as the time after which it will try to wake you up again. Continue and click “Next”.

Next, select the action that the alarm clock should perform. We will follow the advice of the settings wizard and select “Run a program”. Then click “Next”.

Click on the “Browse” button and find a melody that will wake you up in the morning.

Finally, check all the alarm settings and click the “Done” button.

Let's use the special program Free Alarm Clock, which is designed to professionally wake people up. All the basic wishes of users are taken into account here: simple and clear setup, setting a melody, waking up the computer from sleep mode.

We open the special alarm clock and see a nice and simple program interface. We have already been asked to wake up at 9.00 to the standard “Birds” melody, but we will fix everything and customize it for ourselves.

First, delete the alarm clock that is already set by default. To do this, right-click on it and select “Delete”. In the next window, confirm your intentions and click “Yes”.

Now we create our new alarm clock: by clicking on the green plus, which is located in the top panel of the program.

A form will appear on the screen to set the conditions for the alarm:

1. We set the time when we need to wake up.

2. Set the days when the alarm will work.

3.Let's write a message that can be displayed along with the alarm clock.

4.Indicate whether to show this message or not.

5.Select a melody from those already available in the program.

6.Select a melody from those available on the computer.

7.Select the required sound level of the melody. And below we select additional conditions for the alarm clock.

8.Save the settings - click “Ok”.

We look at the main window of Free Alarm Clock - the alarm clock is set.

After this, you can close the program, it will still work. This can be seen because the tray icon lights up.

Now let's set the alarm using an existing program on the computer - this is AIMP.

We open the player itself and in the upper right corner of the window we find the alarm clock icon, which has other functionality. Now we can verify this.

After clicking on the alarm button in AIMP, a window will appear where the user can work with the scheduler and alarm clock.

1.The scheduler will help you turn off your computer, pause the playback of songs in a playlist, exit the program, set conditions and time.
2.Go to the “Alarm Clock” tab.

After this we will see an inactive form to fill out. Let’s activate it by checking the box located under the “Scheduler” button.
Now we select when you need to turn on the computer: “At a specified time” or “After a specified time.”

Select a music track for the alarm clock. To do this, you can use the search button on your computer among the “…” songs or select from the AIMP playlist.

Next, we set the initial volume for playing the song in the alarm clock and, if desired, set the volume to gradually increase. During what period we can independently specify or use the standard duration of 100 seconds.

When we finish setting up, click the “Apply” button. Close the alarm clock.

There are a large number of different simple programs for setting an alarm clock, but why install additional software if the computer has the ability to comfortably and easily use the alarm clock.
January 11, 2014 7
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  1. Andrei
    16 July 2014 10: 18
    But tell me, Aimp will not wake up the laptop from sleep mode, just like a regular task in the scheduler... They can still do this without installing Free Alarm Clock (I don’t want to add extra software)
  2. bobloss
    16 July 2014 14: 16
    Andrey, to be honest, I don’t even know how to do this without unnecessary software
  3. Elena
    26 November 2015 22: 52
    Thank you SO MUCH, everything is very clear for the “SPECIALLY” gifted)))))) I don’t know how it will work tomorrow, but I seem to have set everything up))))) in the AIMP program. Let's see what happens tomorrow at 5 am)))))))))))))
  4. Zhanar
    6 December 2015 21: 44
    I set an alarm using the Task Scheduler. The question is: should I leave the laptop on or can I turn it off and the alarm will go off?
  5. Kait.15
    7 December 2015 01: 20
    Zhanar, you can’t turn off the computer. Only "Dream".
  6. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 20: 42
    good evening, I set the alarm, I thought it wouldn’t work, but it turns out it worked!! thank you very much! 

    Good evening! I set the alarm, everything worked. Thanks a lot! 
  7. Shaty
    3 December 2023 13: 21
    What a long instruction for setting an alarm clock. Also with screenshots. Awesome.