Download BDNS 2.0

The application offers users who suffer from nicotine addiction. It works on a subconscious level which uses hypnotic sessions using a specific technique.

Helps with smoking

By listening to a session from 5 to 25 minutes, you can install programs for yourself that should eliminate the craving for smoking and drinking.


A very clear design and modern treatment method is relevant and useless for any person who wants to use the application.

Audiopsychocorrection and videopsychocorrection

  • Audio psychocorrection is coded images that...
  • Videopsychocorrection is images in pictures that are also embedded in the brain for healing.
  • Psychocorrection - affects the psyche with words and pictures, also uncoded.

All users of our site will be able to download this program from official sources without viruses and other utilities.



November 19, 2023 10
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  1. Joferko
    19 November 2023 17: 51
    I listened to several lectures on this program and realized that it helps me a little to quit smoking. The technique really works. Everything is cool.
  2. Just4tw
    19 November 2023 19: 29
    I downloaded it for my fellow rescuer. I'm sick of the smell in the room. Tomorrow I will try to recruit him into the Zozhniki.
  3. Stass
    19 November 2023 22: 02
    BDNS treats nicotine addiction, I don't smoke sorry

    BDNS this application helped me get rid of nicotine addiction 
  4. Just4tw
    19 November 2023 22: 20
    I thought so, I’ll give this program to another person. It really works, why waste time on trifles. 
  5. Stass
    20 November 2023 18: 25
     BDNS with the help of this application I got rid of nicotine addiction, thank God
  6. YoungWonder
    22 November 2023 00: 21
    To quit you need a desire, but this application is fascinating, I downloaded it for myself :) 
  7. Stason
    3 December 2023 10: 25
    BDNS, I got rid of nicotine addiction in a month, thank you
  8. Diz1k
    4 December 2023 13: 53
    Such applications will not help, you need to go to specialists
  9. Basketball
    4 December 2023 16: 39
    The program for those who smoke and for non-smokers, accessibility and ease simplifies the task of the smoker
  10. GodyVody
    6 December 2023 10: 20
    A friend still couldn’t quit smoking, I recommended this app to him, now he has a medal in running