Download AppLock 5.8.1

AppLock is an application designed to strengthen the security of your personal information on your mobile device. It acts as a security shield, preventing unauthorized access to important areas such as messages, galleries, settings and other important sections. 

Features of AppLock

File protection

AppLock does a great job of providing comprehensive protection for a variety of file types, from messages to media, ensuring they are inaccessible without proper authorization.

Access restrictions

This application imposes strict access restrictions, preventing unauthorized users from accessing protected areas, thereby maintaining the privacy of sensitive data.

Compatibility with earlier OS versions

One of the important aspects of AppLock is its adaptability, allowing it to be used even by users with older versions of the operating system, ensuring wide availability.

Benefits of using AppLock

Confidentiality Guarantee

AppLock provides peace of mind by protecting your personal files and enhancing privacy in an increasingly connected digital world.

Ease of use

Its intuitive design and simple functions make it accessible and usable by users with varying levels of technical expertise.


AppLock's compatibility with various device models and older OS versions ensures its widespread use, satisfying a wide range of users.

Download AppLock for free:

November 22, 2023 14
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  1. Nastya
    22 November 2023 21: 36
    AppLock 5.8.1 is a reliable and easy-to-use application to protect the privacy of every user. I recommend
  2. Timyr
    22 November 2023 22: 14
    Protection comes first, that's why I downloaded this program. Everything is great, I like this program.
  3. Stass
    22 November 2023 22: 34
    AppLock this application protected all my important information, I was stunned
  4. Vvvttt83
    22 November 2023 22: 48
    AppLock is just a very good application, I recommend installing it!!!!
  5. Diz1k
    22 November 2023 23: 12
    The best thing you can use to protect your data, I recommend
  6. nester1323
    22 November 2023 23: 43
    A good application that helps you save your data. I recommend.
  7. Just4tw
    23 November 2023 09: 44
    I just don’t like blocking the entire phone, now I will use this program to selectively block applications. Great.
  8. YoungWonder
    23 November 2023 20: 27
    I’ve been using applock for a very long time, you can put a password on any folder, so with us your data is always protected. 
  9. lenkapddd
    23 November 2023 20: 36
    The application is really safe. I recommend it to everyone!!! 
  10. yoraziz
    23 November 2023 20: 56
    AppLock 5.8.1 this service is the most reliable and has never let me down
  11. Stason
    2 December 2023 14: 29
    Using applock, you can enhance the protection of your data on your phone.
  12. GodyVody
    3 December 2023 17: 46
    I don’t have to worry about my data since AppLock monitors it, the application has many different designs for the lock screen, I recommend it
  13. Basketball
    4 December 2023 00: 58
    The main function of the application is protecting files, I will continue to work with it. 
  14. desspire
    4 December 2023 23: 25
    Reliable privacy protection app. Thanks for the safety and ease of use.