Download To Do List: Reminder Planner 1.02.37

Learn about the powerful To Do List: Reminder Planner app for Android that will help you organize your life effectively.


If you are looking for a way to manage your tasks, then To Do List: Reminder Planner is the app for you. This is an Android application that will help you create a task list, plan and not miss important events.

Installing the application

To get started, To Do List: Reminder Planner, you need to install it on your Android device from our website. After installation, you can customize the application for yourself. The application is also regularly updated and bugs are removed from it. 

The main function

  • Creating a task and to-do list
  • Planning your day
  • Organizing tasks


To Do List: Reminder Planner app is an Android app for task management. Install this application on your Android device now from our website and start managing your tasks!




Download To Do List: Reminder Planner

Download the To Do List: Reminder Planner app directly from our website. Simply visit the link below and follow the instructions to install. Our application is supported on all Android devices.


December 14, 2023 1
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  1. Nastya
    9 January 2024 20: 34
    Very convenient to distribute your day