WeDo 2.0 LEGO Education 1.10.169

With the WeDo 2.0 app, children as young as elementary school will be able to immerse themselves in the world of programming. With LEGO® bricks, easy-to-use software and exciting STEM projects, teachers have everything they need to teach kids the basics of coding.

The unique combination of LEGO® brick building capabilities and an easy-to-use app makes WeDo 2.0 projects fun and engaging in your technology and science classes. This combination also gives you everything you need to teach programming. With the WeDo 2.0 app and a set of LEGO® bricks, you can do the following:

  • Provide students with a deeper understanding of key science and engineering subjects, teach them how to ask good questions and solve problems, model, prototype, conduct investigations, analyze and interpret data, think analytically, derive facts from reasoning, and obtain, evaluate and communicate data ;
  • Teach kids how to code with the best educational app that includes over 40 hours of curriculum based on Next Generation Federal Education Standards.

This application is not a stand-alone software product. It is designed for programming models from the LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 set, which is purchased separately.

You can download the WeDo 2.0 LEGO Education application version 1.10.169 below

Leveraging the best and most innovative features of LEGO® Education, including a new design, WeDo 2.0 includes a new user interface, teaching and learning features, and additional learning experiences for both teachers and students. WeDo 2.0 is ideal for classrooms, youth and community centers, afterschool programs and homeschooling. It is also suitable for students aged 5 to 14 years, as well as teachers and youth leaders who work with children in their community.

April 10, 2024 0
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