AutoHotkey 2.0.12

This software is one of the best for Windows 10, which provides a simple and flexible syntax that helps you focus more on the task at hand. It also supports object-oriented and command programming. The software also helps you define hotkeys for your mouse and keyboard.

AutoHotkey has a simple interface, after launching you will see something like your own developer notepad, where you can track the buttons pressed and reassign the necessary ones, in general everything is not that complicated, I hope the program will be useful to you. Features:

  • It doesn't have automatic setup wizards, but it's very easy to learn;
  • The software allows you to assign shortcut keys using illustrated guides, where you basically need to create a notepad, naming it with the .ahk extension, for example, "MyScript.ahk", and define the configuration in it in accordance with the instructions of the program.
  • Once your script is ready, you can use it comprehensively in your system for a wide range of situations. 
  • you can customize not only keyboard actions, but also mouse actions simultaneously in any program or situation you might need.
  • Automatically perform almost any task, such as sending mouse clicks and keystrokes.
  • Developing mouse or keyboard macros manually or using a macro recording program.
  • customize keys and buttons on various input devices such as keyboard, joystick and mouse.
  • assigning "hot keys" for any key, button or combination thereof on the keyboard, joystick and mouse.
  • converting abbreviations into full text; for example, typing "btw" can expand the text to "by the way".
  • getting and changing the contents of the clipboard.
  • converting scripts into stand-alone executable files that can be run on computers without AutoHotkey installed.
  • creating custom data entry forms, user interfaces and menu bars.

The program's code was originally designed to provide simple keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, quick macro creation, and software automation, allowing users of any computer skill level to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application. User interfaces can be easily extended or changed using AutoHotkey (for example, overriding the default Windows control key commands with their Emacs equivalents).

You can download AutoHotkey version 2.0.12 below

You can open executable files with just a double click - simply by assigning hotkeys to each script.
If you want to run a macro, you will need to create an AutoHotkey Script document in a Windows Explorer window and paste into Notepad all the necessary commands and actions that you need.

April 18, 2024 0
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