What is a URL?

А что такое URL?

Each web page on the great Internet has its own specific location that the user can point to precisely. It is precisely with the help of URLs that they indicate the exact path to a particular web page. This can be compared to how you specify the path to a folder or file on a computer. The construction of the URL occurs according to a certain scheme, it looks like this:

In this case, http will indicate the type of protocol, data transfer is carried out exactly through it, then will mean the name of the site - its domain name, and folder is a folder, but document.html - this is to indicate a specific page to which the URL address should lead us.

This URL - is fictitious and, accordingly, if you enter it in the address bar your browser, he won’t reveal anything to you. Or rather, it will open a page containing the mandatory inscription "404 not found". 404 means an error code, and the caption means that what the user intended to find was not found. Everything is very simple, as you can see.

When this message appears, it may mean that the user entered a non-existent, incorrect or incomplete URL, or that the page was simply deleted or renamed.

Most often, we may encounter such an error when we follow a link from an article to another site. Since the article could have been written a couple of years ago, the link may have become outdated during this time if there was no need for it, or, conversely, the site owner could have renamed it.

But what should we do if we receive a 404 error? First, we need to check whether we entered the URL address correctly. After correcting the typos, we try to log in again. But this did not help, the error popped up again? In this case, you can try going to the main page of the site to which the link is given. The article on this site may have been deleted, but the site itself still exists. And then you can use the search on this very site, you never know, what if the information we need is still on the site, but under a different name.

That Error 404 looked somewhat less intimidating to users, many website developers are modifying this page. Usually they place some funny line or a funny picture there in order to cheer up the user, and also indicate a link to go to the main page of the site so that an inexperienced user does not get lost. You can also shorten links yourself. So, to go to the main page of our fictitious site, you need to shorten the original link to The same law applies to all other sites on the Internet. Hopefully you now understand the meaning of the URL abbreviation and know how you can get around the common page not found error. We wish you good luck in learning all the intricacies of the Internet!
November 07, 2014 1
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  1. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 20: 03
    good article! They explained everything clearly and cool! Thank you!