Causes and solutions to error 500

Причины возникновения и способы решения ошибки 500

As already mentioned, there are many reasons why error 500 occurs. There are about five common reasons. The user can independently identify the error and obtain information about it by viewing the entries in the error.log file, which can be turned on in the skull control panel of their hosting.
Причины возникновения и способы решения ошибки 500

As already mentioned, there are many reasons why error 500 occurs. There are about five common reasons. The user can independently identify the error and obtain information about it by viewing the entries in the error.log file, which can be turned on in the skull control panel of their hosting.

Error 500 or "Internal Server Error" may occur in the following cases:

1. Invalid constructs are used in .htaccess files. For example, instructions such as php_flag и php_value can only be used when working with PHP in a special mode mod_php, which is not supported by all hosting providers. If you work in modes FastCGI и CGI, then using these constructs will inevitably lead to error 500. You can always use the control panel to change PHP settings. Designs from Russian Apache This leads to errors.

2. The script takes too long to run. In addition to the fact that PHP itself limits the running time of scripts (max_execution_time), so their work is still limited to web servers. Therefore, if the server still does not receive a response within 60 seconds, it will consider that the script is frozen, and the system will forcefully terminate its work with an error 500.

3. If the script tries to get as much memory as was not provided for in the tariff. Some hostings other than standard PHP memory_limit, use their own memory managers, whose task is to monitor the amount of memory requested by scripts. As soon as the script's memory consumption exceeds the amount specified in the selected tariff plan, its execution will automatically terminate, indicating an error known to us.

4. If in the management panel, or in php.ini There are a couple of php extensions included that are incompatible with each other. So, if you run the extension right away Services и eaccelerator, or xcache и eaccelerator, then in 90% of cases you will receive the error “Segmentation Fault", which of course will result in an Internal Server Error on your site.

5. The script returns HTTP headers that are not recognized by the web server and the server has no idea how to interpret them. The Internal Server Error is a very common error and you should not panic when it appears. Surely one of the tips presented in this article will be useful to you, and work of your site will come back to normal. Good luck!
November 08, 2014 2
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  1. Nastya
    21 November 2023 23: 21
    Very often an error pops up, I solved the problem thanks to this article, it turns out it’s all really simple! 
  2. Shaty
    3 December 2023 18: 51
    What is a detailed description of the reasons for the error. And I thought it was just the internet’s fault.