DMG - how to open it?

DMG - чем открыть?

Take, for example, the dmg format. Most likely, few people know how to open it and what format it is. Therefore, when meeting him for the first time, you can find yourself in a difficult situation. This format is familiar to a narrow circle of users because it is a format operating system Mac OS X. And this operating system is the OS of Apple products. The dmg format is just a disk image in the Mac OS X operating system. To open this format in Mac OS X, you can use the Apple Disk Utility program. This program does not need to be downloaded, as it is already installed by default on the Mac operating system.

If you do not own an Apple product, that is, if you do not have Mac OS X, and you are a Windows OS user, then do not despair. The dmg format can also be opened in this operating system. But here you won’t be able to open it directly.

To open the dmg format in Windows, you first need to convert this format into a format that is familiar to Windows. That is, first of all, you need to convert the dmg format to iso. ISO format is a disk image in the Windows operating system.

You can convert the dmg format to iso using several programs. These are programs such as AnyToISO and DaemonTools. Typically, these two programs will be sufficient. By taking a couple of simple steps you can open any file format. And the dmg format is proof of this.
November 16, 2014 2
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  1. qwe45
    3 December 2023 17: 42
    Thank you, I figured out how to open this file, it’s useful
  2. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 29
    Apple, as usual, showed off with an uncommon file format. Not surprised.