How to put emoticons on Instagram

Как ставить смайлики в Instagram

In addition to directly sharing photos and videos in the Instagram application, you can rate and comment on photos and videos of other users. In this way, Instagram is very similar to modern social networks. But if everything is extremely clear on social networks, then in the Instagram app there may be a problem. This problem is that many users do not know how to place emoticons in this application. In principle, if you know how to put emoticons using various punctuation marks and symbols, then this problem will not affect you. But, you must admit that a huge number of users are accustomed to ready-made emoticons, which can be found on almost all popular social networks.

You can add emoji to the Instagram app using a special Emoji keyboard. If you use an iPhone to log into Instagram, then the Emoji keyboard is already included in it. But, if it is not there, then you can download it from the App Store. Just type into the search "Emoji" and what you need will appear to your attention.

If you use Android OS, then you need to visit the play market and download the Emoji Keyboard application from there. If you have used the GO Keyboard before, then all you need to do is download the GO Keyboard Emoji plugin.

After you download the keyboard to your smartphone, you will need to activate it. To do this, you will need to go to "Setting", then to "Languages ​​and input". Now we find and go to the point "GO Keyboard". Then search and go to "Input settings", and then click on the item "Setting the input language". After this, you will need to check the Emoji item. Now you can use the Emoji keyboard, thanks to which you can put emoticons on Instagram and on other popular social networks. It is worth noting that when sending emoticons on Android OS, they may not be displayed, but in any case, the person to whom they were addressed will see them.
December 07, 2014 3
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  1. lenkapddd
    23 November 2023 14: 34
    I don’t understand how I used to live without emoticons. thank you very much for the article! 
  2. Shaty
    4 December 2023 08: 49
    Wow, are there emoticons there? Why didn't I notice them? 
  3. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 09: 33
    I didn’t even know there were emoticons there! very cool! All liked it!