How to change the date in android?

Как поменять дату в android?

Moreover, questions about using the Aneroid operating system can arise literally in the simplest things. Take, for example, setting the date. It seems nothing complicated, but if you have never encountered Android, then even this question will make you sweat. But in reality there is nothing complicated here. So how do you change the date? in the Android operating system? In principle, everything is quite simple. Regardless of the Android OS version, the principle of changing the date will be the same. Only the interface and design of the Android system version will differ.

First of all, on the main screen of the phone we look for the button "Menu" and click on it.

This will take you to the applications menu. All applications that are installed on your smartphone will be here. In this menu you will need to find and, accordingly, click on the button "Setting".

Clicking this button will take you to the settings menu. Here you need to find the item "Date and Time". And again press on it.

After this, you will be taken to a menu where you can set the date, time, select the time format, date and set other settings. Here you will need to select the "Setting the date" and set the date, month and year you need.

By the way, on some versions of Android you will not be able to change the date. The "Set Date" item will be grayed out. In this case, you will need to uncheck the "Automatic date and time" checkbox. After this everything will change. That's all. Have you learned how to change the date to OS Android. As you can see, everything is very fast and simple.
December 26, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 44
    Well, yes, then it’s easier to do auto tuning.