How to make corners round in Windows 8.1?

A program that allows you to return transparent Windows 7 interface, called Aero8. As the name suggests, it allows you to make window elements and the Start bar transparent in just two clicks. Moreover, the program is also suitable for Windows 8 users (not only 8.1).

The program is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, which will greatly please users of both types of OS. The program is very easy to work with, and it also consumes a minimal amount of resources, so you don’t have to worry about there will be brakes or lags, do not have to.

Windows 8 users must disable SecureBoot before installing the program. Windows 8.1 users do not need this.

You can change the appearance of windows regardless of the installed theme. So it is possible:

• make window elements and the taskbar transparent;
• return shadows cast by windows;
• return the header glow effect;
• return rounded window borders;
• change the appearance of the quick launch buttons.

After installing the program, just go to the menu “Personalization» and configure transparency and other necessary parameters there. 

January 13, 2015 6
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  1. Oleg
    22 March 2015 08: 09
    Everything works except for rounding corners. I couldn’t configure this parameter using AeroGlassGUI (Win 8.1)
  2. Nikolaybogdanovich
    23 March 2015 09: 57
    Oleg, try downloading another version of the AeroGlassGUI program. The version developed for Windows 8 may not always work correctly on 8.1
  3. Oleg
    3 May 2015 06: 47
    Nikolay, I have Win 8.1 SL installed, and in your example - Win 8.1 Pro. Maybe this is the reason?
  4. Nikolaybogdanovich
    14 May 2015 09: 34
    Oleg, yes it can, since Win 8.1 SL is a cut-off version of 8.1 with limited capabilities....
  5. Caterpillar
    22 May 2016 04: 42
    Where can I download?
  6. Kait.15
    22 May 2016 10: 47
    For example here