Optimizing Windows 8.1

Оптимизируем работу Windows 8.1

Optimizing the operation of the system is not difficult, and it will not take much time and resources from the user. This will have a positive impact on the user experience in the future. How can you optimize Windows 8.1? Speed ​​up work, free up space and increase stability

Cleaning the disk from garbage

If you do not use third-party system cleaning programs, we recommend starting with the simplest CCleaner utility, which you can familiarize yourself with here. And if there is no desire to use such programs, then you can delete unnecessary system files yourself.

Over time, the system accumulates various files that may never be used in the future, but it cannot delete them on its own, and this may require the user's hand. Doing this using standard tools is quite simple:

• enter “Disk Cleanup";
• select drive C and click "OK";
• in the window that opens, check the boxes next to those parameters that you do not need. All files that can be checked next to are safe to delete and will not affect the further operation of Windows in any way;
• after the checkboxes are checked, Windows will automatically calculate the amount of freed up space. After reviewing this information, you can click “OK", after which the process of cleaning the hard drive will begin;
• if there are other logical drives on the PC (those drives on which the hard drive is divided), then this procedure can be repeated with them.

Disk Defragmenter

If you've never defragmented your hard drive, then it's probably time to do so. This procedure will not only speed up the work, but also increase the stability of the work. You can also do this using the system defragmentation utility:

• press Win + Q and in the search bar enter "Disk optimization";
• a list of disks will appear in the window that opens. Click "Analyze"to find out the status of all disks;
• if the % fragmentation is approximately 10%, then optimization can begin.

By default, disk defragmentation is set to a weekly schedule, so if you haven’t turned it off or changed it, you don’t need to perform additional defragmentation. It is also recommended to change the defragmentation schedule from weekly to monthly. To do this, in the previously opened window, click “Change parameters" and in the section "Frequency“Change the frequency to “monthly” or completely disable defragmentation.

Disabling unnecessary services

By default, the system includes a fairly large number of services, some of which we may never need in our lives. Therefore, you can disable them to make the computer's work easier.

Go to the control panel, and then in the search field (upper right corner) enter "Service" From the list of results, select "View Local Services».

Оптимизируем работу Windows 8.1

Disabling services is very simple: double-click on the unnecessary service with the left mouse button, and in the properties window that opens, first change the state to “Stop" and then the startup type to "Don't run».

What you can disable:

• offline files;
computer browser;
• IP auxiliary service (if IPv6 is not used);
• secondary login (if there is 1 user on the PC);
• print manager (if there is no printer);
• client for tracking changed connections;
• NetBIOS support module via TCP/IP;
• server;
• Windows time service;
• portable device enumerator service;
• remote registry;
• Windows Search (we recommend disabling it only if you do not use search. And you probably use it).

Removing programs from startup

By installing third-party programs, we often slow down the system startup. Some insolent applications tend to be registered in startup, which causes them to launch when Windows is turned on. And this affects not only the long startup time, but also the operation of the PC as a whole - why do you need, for example, a constantly running disk image creation program? Many people run torrents, readers, video editors, etc. along with the system. Moreover, in fact, these programs are needed once a month.

Remove from autorun unnecessary programs can be done like this:

• open the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and switch to the “ tabAuto Backup";
• We look through the list of applications, and if we find one that is definitely not needed to start the system, we disable it. To do this, select the application with the left mouse click and press the button “Disable» in the lower right corner;
• you will not disable any system or important applications - the most you can disable are drivers, but the system can be started even without them. Disable apps thoughtfully.

This will not only help speed up your computer startup, but will also reduce the load on the processor and RAM.

Other improvements

You can:

• enable download to desktop
• prohibition on activating the switch with the mouse;
• prohibition on activating charms with the mouse;
• replace the home screen with a list of applications;
• enable search only by programs and applications.

To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “<font><font>Materials</font></font>" In the window that opens "Taskbar and Navigation Properties" switch to the " tabNavigation».

1. To boot directly to your desktop, check the box next to “At the entrance, open the work table instead of the main screen";
2. in order to partially prohibit activation of the switch by the mouse, uncheck the “When I click on the top left corner, switch between recent apps";
3. in order to partially prohibit the activation of charms, uncheck the "Show charms when hovering over the top right corner";
4. To partially replace the home screen with a list of applications, check the box next to “Autobrajat background working table na nachalnom ekrane" and "When you go to the Home screen, automatically open the Apps view"";
5. To enable search only by programs and applications, uncheck the “When searching in the Apps view, search everywhere, not just my apps" Optimize Windows wisely, but do not forget that no amount of system optimization will help if you install many different programs with advertising add-ons, download them from unsafe sources and do not follow basic rules for working with a PC.
January 14, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 14: 56
    Disabling unnecessary services is a good thing, but quite dangerous if you don’t know how to do it.