Download Maxthon

Скачать Maxthon

This application is a kind of add-on to standard Explorer. Both browsers display websites in the same way and have the same base. But unlike the first browser in the world, Maxthon has a set of unique parameters.

Let's take a look at what's so unusual about this new browser?

Скачать Maxthon

1.Gesture This operation describes a certain gesture performed with the right mouse button. To install it, you need to hold down the key and hold it until you follow a certain path with the cursor on the screen. For example, a gesture from bottom to top or vice versa. This will mean scrolling to the top of the page. You can set the parameters in the Maxthon Settings Center:

2.Super Drag&Drop tool. Its essence lies in the fact that you can drag selected objects within the boundaries of the browser. For example, while flipping through a page you discovered a topic of interest. You simply select it with the left mouse button and without lifting the click, drag it to a new tab. The browser will automatically start searching for the specified text. This significantly speeds up the process of downloading and searching for the necessary information. In addition, there is no similar function in any known browser.

3.Opening links in the address bar has become possible thanks to speed dialing using a keyboard shortcut. To do this, you need to set future parameters in the settings center. After this, a set of keys is simply entered into the address bar and the required site automatically opens. This is what it looks like in an example:

The browser has an additional “hunter” function. It is used to search and block unwanted information on web resource pages. It is also possible to create white and black lists for sites. If a malicious link is suspected of being attacked, the browser will block it and display a prohibiting message. Thus, the protection on Maxthon is much more thoughtful than on Explorer.

Maxthon is new browser, which will help make working in the browser much easier and protect your computer from unwanted system damage.

You can download the application from the following link:


November 23, 2023 3
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  1. Rina777
    20 November 2023 04: 32
    Maxthon provides interesting innovative features and integrated tools for web surfing.
  2. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 16: 59
    The article is very informative and interesting! Thank you
  3. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 23: 40
    A unique new browser that I discovered for myself, maxton, it will be interesting to use it